(I had a hard time keeping my new bike with 50mm wheels on the road!)
Toggle weather on/off using the wind icon on the toolbar. Rain and snow is also displayed if there is any. I am going to have a go at getting animated wind particles going but this is a functional start.
Historical data is available from 2021/2022. Currently this is fetched from Open-Meteo when you open the map and not stored. I am going to be storing it on each activity along with summary information (overall weather, time with headwind/tailwind etc.). Similar for intervals. There will also be wind direction and speed traces (from the point of view of the athlete and the raw weather info). Will also do an activity/interval wind rose.
This weather stuff is going to be a premium feature.
If you want to try this out and give feedback/ideas you need to enable beta features on the /settings page near the bottom:
This looks really good. Other weather metrics that immediately spring to mind are temperature and pollen count. For pollen count I can give you thresholds for different colours as this might be easier to visualise than the absolute grains per cubic m.
Tx. From what I can see Open-Meteo doesn’t have historical data for that. Unless I missed it. Do you know a source for historical pollen / air quality? I might be able to do something for activities received on the day they were performed without historical data.
Hi @david , is this something a coach will be able to see with all their athletes?
Will an athlete need to be a subscriber for the coach to see this info on their activities?
Another great feature and it would be very helpful for a coach to see the weather data of sessions.
No the athletes will need to be subscribers. It takes a lot of API calls to Open-Meteo to get weather along a GPS course. Doing that for everyone would require talking to them about an “enterprise plan”. Also I need to give people more reasons to subscribe and this is an obvious premium feature.
Cool, thanks.
So for my coached athletes who are subscribers, if I ask them to enable beta features, I’ll be able to see the weather on the map?
And for those that aren’t, I’ll tell them to hurry up and subscribe
Right now during this initial test you will be able to see their weather data without them having to subscribe or enable beta features. When I implement storing the data and automatically generating it for incoming activities for subscribers then that will change.
ideas :
a) Maybe a little slider to adjust the number of arrows on a course ?
b) Also maybe a gradients of colors for first part of the ride and second part since I often take the same route in and out at some point during my local bike rides
I am probably going to replace the arrows with an animated wind field (similar to windy.com) which will help with that problem.
Yes need to try figure out how to handle that. Another option would be to tie it to the marker position. So if you move the marker towards the end of your ride you see the weather on the way back.
Personally I’d like to see it as the temp I get from my running watch (FR255) is contaminated by the fact it’s next to my skin. I wish it was 24 degrees C yesterday!!
From experience temp from a bike computer or stryd footpod is fine. But watches are always wrong.