HealthFit sync for activities and health metrics

Body fat now has one decimal and I have added SpO2 to fitness.

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+1 for if you could import just the HRV readings from the breathe app from healthfit. That would be quite useful.

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Is there any way to make HealthFit sync automatically? Every day I have to upload Health Metrics manual.

It syncs automatically for me, not always immediatley in the morning but not long after.

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“Automatic synchronization” is a setting in HealthFit that you can turn on.

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Is possible to sync body fat from apple health, I can export weight but body fat don´t sync

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Under Health click the gearing wheel, here you find “Data sources” where you can select which sources is has to pull the data from and which source to prioritize over another.

Seems to be working for me.

Yes, this configuration I already knew and it is configured as I want, but in it only syncs the weight and not the fat mass

I have asked the developer of HealthFit if this is supported … and asked him to add it if not. Will add to this thread when I have more info.

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He says it is supported. So I suggest contacting him via the app.

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Now that Healthfit supports Effort load and apple uses a scale from 1-10, can we please let update this? Makes life so much easier to not have to select the effort rating twice.

confirmed by that the effort rating is in the fit file.

Hi, I use HeartCast on the Apple Watch to send HR to a TR ride that gets uploaded to Strava. This works well, however Healthfit was sending to as well, which led to a ride on that has no laps.

Can I ask whether there is a way to make the laps version of that ride (the Strava version) prominent on

I’ve since removed the HealthFit connection to so this issue shouldn’t occur for future activities, however I probably need to ‘push’ the ride from Strava to intervals again. Is that possible? Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance

If both file were sent to Intervals, but only one is visible that probably means Intervals recognized it as a double and has deleted one (the Strava one).

You can make the deleted activities visible through the option in de screenshot and undelete it (the Strava one). If you then delete the file from HealthFit you end up with only one file (the one from Strava).

If it helps you it’s also possible to show the source.

Options > Show Deleted is EXACTLY what I need, thankyou Thijs!

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Hi, is it possible to choose which health metrics are synced via HealthFit into Intervals? I would like to sync only sleep time and RHR. Since HRV measurements are quite unreliable on AW and thus they are not actionable for me at all.

I have been using RunGap to sync activities, so I don’t have HealthFit to just try it out :slight_smile: Thanks!

I don’t have HealthFit, but I would presume that it would still behave much like how i coded BreakAway. (BreakAway: Indoor Training - Now Supports Apple Health Sync (To

Which basically is that, even if HealthFit does not have fine grained control of the metrics to sync, you can do that via Apple Health permissions.

Do you mean for example, not allowing HealthFit to read HRV?

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For some week (or months) I have the issue that healthfit syncs duplicates to Strava.

What happens is that I record a ride (e.g., commute) with my Apple Watch, which then is synced to Strava, Intervals, etc. Eventually, Healthfit get’s the Acivity back from Strava (which is fine to me) – but unfortunately these are nit exactly identical (due to Strava) and HaltFit then resents that copy to intervals again, where it is also duplicate – which is not fine with me:-o

I had contaced @slizeray about it before, but so far there is no change and it is pretty annoying, esp. as it happens for me multiples times a day (mobility in the morning, 2 commutes, possibly more, …)

Any ideas on how to handle this in general or on the side of things?