Hammerhead Karoo now syncs with Intervals.icu

Hammerhead has added Intervals.icu sync to the Karoo cycling computer! Seamlessly connect to Intervals.icu and sync your rides and planned workouts.You need to update your Karoo to unlock the connection.

There is a Hammerhead box on the /settings page but you need to create the connection from your Karoo.

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 10.48.11

Thanks very much to the team at Hammerhead for getting this done.


Thank youuuuu one more time :smiley:

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:smiley::smiley: Thank you

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great work David as I use the Karoo, love it and now one step to removing strava !!


Thanks alot! this makes my life much easier :wink:

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All credit for this goes to the Hammerhead team, they did the work!


Is this for all Karoo units? I have the Karoo 2.

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Yes, Karoo 2 as well.


Such a lovely gift on Friday. Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot

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As someone who uses a Karoo but syncs via Suunto at the moment, does this correctly deal with the type? E.g. Indoor rides turning into Virtual Rides? And import the calories?

I doubt it since, last I looked, there is a way to classify ride type by profile but Hammerhead doesn’t actually write that info into the file. Go figure.

The subsport very much still is generic and no trace of calories either, but you know, one can hope. If someone from Hammerhead reads this: please :pray:

Add your voice here.

That speaks volumes about Intervals.icu as-well @david … Chapeau :clap:

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Thank you @david for relentless amazing work.
I put the feature request on Hammerhead forum more than 4 years ago, I’m always shocked on how slowly the bigger companies move compared to Intervals.icu, where everything happens quickly… Maybe there’s a lesson for them here.


Love, love, love this new syncing feature. :+1:

In regard to sub_sport, I’d like to confirm that if Hammerhead were to start writing anything other than generic in FIT file, would Intervals read that information and label the Ride Type accordingly? Yes/No?

… It appears that “Strava only changes the sub sport type for UI purposes, it doesn´t change the sub_sport value into the .fit file”. It’s a shame that TP and Strava hold companies like Hammerhead back from progressive implementation.

And on that note, I give full kudos to @david, and to all the admins and other developers, for creating a platform and community that is interested in providing a user friendly and useful service.

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I believe all companies does this. They won’t alter the original FIT file after it’s been processed. Un-needed CPU cycles when all they need to do is just change the subsport within their processed FIT file data.

Also, then you request for your data, they can just send the originals w/o doing any additional processing.

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Yes Intervals.icu does use sub_sport:

    if (SubSport.VIRTUAL_ACTIVITY == sub_sport) return ActivityType.VirtualRide;
    if (SubSport.INDOOR_CYCLING == sub_sport) return ActivityType.VirtualRide;
    if (SubSport.E_BIKE_FITNESS == sub_sport) return ActivityType.EBikeRide;
    if (SubSport.MOUNTAIN == sub_sport) return ActivityType.MountainBikeRide;
    if (SubSport.DOWNHILL == sub_sport) return ActivityType.MountainBikeRide;
    if (SubSport.E_BIKE_MOUNTAIN == sub_sport) return ActivityType.EMountainBikeRide;
    if (SubSport.GRAVEL_CYCLING == sub_sport) return ActivityType.GravelRide;
    return ActivityType.Ride;

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Great to hear that. I guess Karoo 1 isn’t supported, right?