FTP at age of 40s

Ive gone from eFTP 3,23 W/kg pre pandemic to 3,75 W/kg now. 43 years old and 62 kg. Until 2019 I just cycled - did whatever I felt like but when I got a power meter at the start of 2019 I got Zwift and started following their structured training plans. I think they worked in the short term but the problem was that I would get ill or lose motivation and then be back to where I started. At the start of the pandemic I decided to just do nothing other than Z1 and Z2 rides based on heart rate as I was paranoid about getting ill. I threw in the occasional ride with higher intensity but it was fairly seldom - less than once a week - and just whenever I felt like it. No plan. I was subsequently surprised to see that I was getting better anyway and the best thing was that it was sustainable. GC says CP 4 W/kg and Strava 3,9 W/kg but I dont think I could do that for a whole hour. 3-7 hours per week though usually about 5. /Andrew


The proof of the pudding…
Going slow, makes you faster!
The pro’s need far more HIT to get that top performance. Most of us can go really long with small portions of HIT before we will hit a plateau.


Very impressive !!
You can go for the tour de france !

Some solid wkg in here. I’m 41 and around 3.3. 325ish @ 97 kg.

My training consists of a weekly 45-60 Min threshold workout, a weekly 45 Min v02max, a few Z2/z3 workouts and a long outdoor ride on the weekends. Logged around 5k miles so far this year. A bit down from last year, but that was intentional as my wife started referring to herself as a bike widow.


Don’t be embarrassed at all! I honestly don’t think that measuring dicks FTP or W/kg to others is a good way to measure one’s progress. You should ever measure your progress / current abilities to yourself. FTP and W/kg is like opinion. “Everybody has one,and this is mine.” Yes,the two numbers could be decisive in very specific moments,but they are not even half of the full truth,rather about 10%. Or even less. Whatever numbers you have currently, are only data points on a long road,the important thing is,to saddle up from time to time,and enjoy yourself on the bike /in training.


I’m 57 at 67kg and have 235. Not that fussed about what it is tbh. I just focus on enjoying riding my bike, and what happens, happens.


242W according to TR Ramp Test, 71kg, (3.4W/kg).

Been cycling about 18months and currently a few weeks into my 2nd winter of Base/Polarized having blasted most rides outdoor all summer (still done lots of 1hr Z2’s indoor). Last year I made my winter plan up as i went along as a newbie, this year i’m following a TR plan.

Edit- I’m 49yrs


FTP 341, I’m 42 and 68kg
only riding 3 days- 4days a week with high intensity.
Been riding about 20 years, some racing here and there, just mostly in it for the personal gains and glory at this point!


Impressive numbers! I am 49 years old and my FTP is currently at 249w or 3,66w/kg.
Last year I put in about 12.600km on the road and plan to do about 14.000km this year. My focus this year is on Randonneuring and I plan to do a 1200km ride in August 2022 in Spain from Madrid to Gijon and back.


49yrs old and will be 50yrs later this year. Current FTP is abysmal. Granted, I’m 2wks into a broken femur comeback. I fully expect to be over 300W (+4w/kg) again before I turn 50!

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Ouch! I am 50 and approaching 300w again (4.1w/kg) after getting covid end of 2021. I definitely have to do less intensity and more hours to get fit than when I was 45.

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I’m not sure since it’s hard to remember my 20s or 30s, but maybe it takes a bit longer to recover from intensity :man_shrugging: The one thing I am sure of is that it is much harder to regain lost fitness. Without a doubt It takes longer than it used to. My solution over the years has been to stay active w/no extended breaks. Don’t want to ride, go run. Don’t want to run, go swim or hike etc… Just do something.

I started gravel/road cycling 15 months ago at the age of 49, after 15 years of relatively little sports.
I’ve never seen an eFTP or test-FTP (two 20 min tests so far;-) >= 300 W, but since I started end of 2021 I do structured workouts with a “formal FTP” of 300 W – which seem to be too easy recently.
Most of this was really build up from long and sometimes challenging Gravel rides plus a week in the Alpes last summer.
Definitely want to get to 4 W/kg this spring/summer, preferably even >320 W – really targeting (on the optimistic end) 4.2 W/kg for this year, which could be at 320–325 W, depending on “acute weight” at that time;-)


Going towards my 49 years, 65-66kg, and each year I “almost” reach the 300W without really touching it. At best, Xert evaluated my TP at 297-298W, but in reality I was only able to do a bit more than 270W during one full hour.
For the last two years, I’ve been doing “too much” “high intensity” interval training sessions: I plan, this year, on doing longer free rides and to focus on higher intensities segments on local climbs, and see how it goes…

Will turn 44 this summer, 93kg(could be 88kg) I only started structural training in Jan 2021 then at 232w and last year wasn’t 100% for me training wise, lost my focus a few times, with some dips in form but I managed to get myself to a 329w just over a week ago after consistent training since beginning of October, over the festive period into the new year and I still feel like I can gain more


For an update, training for a road race 2 weeks ago and then adding 3 local races (~1 h criteria) last Thu, Sat, Sun I was a

  • very happy with the performance on all 4:-)
  • increased FTP to 314 W;-)

I feel you mate! Im impressed by all this 300W cyclists! Ive been also cycling for less than 1 year now, my eFTP being 217W (74 kg, 50 yr old)…we will get there!