Food tracker to track enough energy for training

Anyone know about a food tracker, which can be used to track food, and give recommendations on energy intake considering your training plan (endurance, intervals or strength training) and adjust the daily recommendations accordingly to the plan.

I tried The Athletes Food Coach which I think Visma Lease A Bike are using, and it works fairly well, except that I have to punch in the planned workout myself. The genius part is, that it even added the rides, where more carbohydrates were needed to the daily meals, and the it seemed very easy to use.

Anyone know any smart food tracker for athletes where the primary focus is not weight loss, but getting the most out of the training. I am using Garmin Connect for the planned workouts (actually I am using which syncs to Garmin).

Heard this discussed on a podcast, but have no other knowledge of it….

I’ve been using Hexis, fairly new to the block (started last year I think) and app is pretty buggy but works enough to be useful - definitely interested in any alternatives though

Hexis | Your body, fuelled smarter