Evolution of pace in specific HR zone over time plot

Ok, thanks! I just typed in values until the numbers on the axis made som sense. Worked just as well but of course it’s better to actually know why what you are doing works.

Tnx. I’m getting somewhere. I’ve added the Custom Activity Field within an activity and that field is checkmarked for every running activity I view. I have added the field in column view BUT…

  1. the graph doesn’t show for all running activities
  2. in column view only three running activities for the selected date range actually have a value in that range.
  3. I can’t see a way to re-analyse in bulk from the column list view. I can only reanalyse from within an activity.
  1. I noticed that your run needs a certain time (or a % of total time, I’m not sure) in Z2 to have this field calculated.
  2. This is how you re-analyse in bulk:
    Evolution of pace in specific HR zone over time plot - #8 by david

Thanks for helping me troubleshoot.

  1. Yup, all runs have Z2
  2. Not that the bulk activity verbiage is different than when inside an activity. Dunno if this is just a label difference but it didn’t seem to help the problem regardless, tho it did seem to analyse all the activities in the list.

Hi, new to Intervals.icu and loving this feature. I’ve got it working based on the instructions above, but I haven’t been able to get the Y axis to read values in min/km even though the actual chart is showing min/km values when you hover over a data point. Can anyone point me in the right direction?