eFTP or Zwift Ramp test results

Good luck @Patrick_Galligan . I imagine this will be very tough.

I am looking forward to seeing the result.

Thanks @Ryan_Nelson. I think your probably right. I have decided to leave my FTP at the higher number but will not be pushing to achieve it etc. If I do any intervals and cant make the numbers then I may take your advice and lower it.

I am quite likely gaining fitness as I am still only a few months into regular riding so hopefully I will catch it up anyway if its a little high.

FTP tests arenā€™t great. The number you end up with is influenced by so many factors. As suggested, use it as a starting point and adjust up and down a bit based on your assessment of your performance of your structured workouts, after all, the goal isnā€™t to boast about your massive FTP on the coffee ride, itā€™s to make sure your workouts are productive! At least thatā€™s what I tell myself when I look at my FTP number ā€¦ :joy:


I cant boast about having a massive one. :rofl:

I ended up with 241W avg over 30min. The graph says Z3 because my FTP is set at 270W. It was 86% humidity here this morning so after 30min I figured I had enough data. I decided to use the Kolie Moore test, at that 30min mark you are supposed to gradually increase power. So I brought up to ~270W and could feel in my legs what was going to happen. I may have been able to last long enough to bring it up to 250W which is where I was expecting it to be. I was still a little fatigued this morning but no soreness in my legs when I started.

@Kent_Dixon power curves are different for everyone. Dr Seilor says your best 6min power is your VO2Max power. For me thatā€™s 320W, which lines up percentage wise with an FTP of ~270W. But like I said I canā€™t sustain 270W for an actual FTP effort. However, on hill climbs I can do 9min at 265-270W for 4 climbing repeats which is mostly a threshold effort (HR bumps up into VO2Max territory at the end, but thatā€™s because I see the top and start working harder).

Power meters and indoor trainers are great for helping you train at a particular level, as long as you know what that level is supposed to be. Both of your FTP numbers could be right, depending on what you using them to calculate :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s a great effort @Patrick_Galligan.

It sounds incredibly tough.

I like your point about both being right and see what your getting at.

I might try a different type of test next time possibly the 20 minute test rather than the Ramp.

I only like to test once a month though so a few weeks away yet.

Just to add to the confusion, I went for a 48km ride this afternoon and averaged 255W (same power meter) for the first hour. This was a hard effort but not all out since I had another ~50min riding to get home. Also got a KOM 4km from home :rofl:


Have you done this yet? If so how did you go?

Iā€™ve had an interesting few weeks, other life events changing my riding plans a little bit. Iā€™ve been using both the new indoor trainer and riding outside. But my other life events usually involve running around (eg. gel blaster comps, which are like airsoft, and a paintball comp which was 8hrs at a relentless pace equiv to a hard 100km ride according to my HR monitor) so I get some good cardio but then have to have a rest day. So I just had 2 days rest, still a bit fatigued this morning so went back to sleep and rode this afternoon instead. Managed just under 2hrs @230W and NP of 263W. On Saturday I smashed a 14sec PB up a 2:20 climb which boosted my FTP 10W to 280W on both this platform and Xert (I just have a trial login there out of interest). Felt really strong today.

I would suggest just training for a while and uploading your data here. The eFTP seems to be a pretty good estimate for setting your training zones. The FTP test really needs to be done when you are really fresh. I felt so strong today if I had done an FTP test Iā€™m confident I could have gotten the same as my eFTP here or better. I wasnā€™t overly motivated, I just felt really good once I started riding.

This is what my HR looked like today, I was working hard but it definitely didnā€™t feel that hard.

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Adding to the discussion, this might be a good alternative to get a propper figure for the majority of the cases with the advantage of estimating TTE@FTP as well.

No Not done it yet. I probably wont do an indoor test any time soon as I am going out more now and just enjoying riding.

Those are some good numbers your posting seems to be going well for you!

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My goal is to hit 4w/kg which for me is around 320W. So while Iā€™m happy with my progress I donā€™t see them as ā€˜goodā€™ numbers, at least not until I hit 300W FTP :smiley:

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We are in a snap 3 day lockdown here, can still exercise outside and itā€™s a great time to be riding since thereā€™s less traffic. I think I would go bonkers if I had to do all my riding indoors

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Its all relative. they are better than my numbers so to me they are good.

I know what you mean though, goals are individual and as long as they are achievable a good thing.

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Absolutely! I follow a bunch of the pros on Strava. Sometimes itā€™s demoralising I guess but itā€™s also good to look at their numbers as motivation to improve your own even though you know youā€™ll never get near theirs.

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Yeah, Kolie Mooreā€™s testing protocols seem to be exceedingly robust for determining FTP by testing in a longer, progressive way.

Helps that with his podcast heā€™s clearly exceedingly knowledgeable when it comes to sports physiology and coaching.

If I werenā€™t finally seeing the light at the end of an Achilles tendinopathy, Iā€™d absolutely be using his protocols for my FTP testing.

As it stands, I have been with eFTP and had just drastically lengthened my minimum duration for eFTP calculation because I tend to be able to push pretty far into the anaerobic cave and it shoots my FTP estimated to hell.


What if my eFTP for a 17 minute cat and mouse crit race came out way above my prior 20min FTP result? I assume this just means Iā€™m in better shape now and probably more motivated by a race than a solo ftp effort

This is unrelated to the subject of this thread but OPā€™s image is the perfect example, why is the 30s (shaded) power stretched along the y-axis? The 30s power graph of the ramp part looks like itā€™s parabolic when it should be linear. Iā€™ve noticed that before in my graphs where there are high power spikes.

Yes 17m minute max effort in a race should give you a good number. In theory you should be able to do better with a steady effort in training but then there is the motivation problem :slight_smile:

It is 30s power on a log scale to accentuate the high power bits. It shows you where the training load (TSS) for the ride came from more or less. A linear scale wouldnā€™t do this as nicely. It does break a bit if you have some big sprints and are good at that.

Ah yes, that makes sense. I had a couple of rides with sprints where the rest of the power curve was squished into a few pixels. I love the the shading because itā€™s much easier to read, is there maybe any plan of adding this to the normal power chart?