Double updloads of swim workouts

So I just joined the platform and I realy like it.
Still I have a little problem when it comes to synching my activites: I enabled uploads from Garmin and Strava (because Zwift workouts are not uploaded by Garmin) and it should delete any double sessions coming from Strava (in theory, right?), however that’s not the case, only for swims though. It’s even more confusing that some swims are only uploaded once, even though you can find them on both strava and garmin.

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This bug has been around for a little while. I will have another shot and trying to figure it out.

Please drop me a mail next time it happens but leave the duplicate swims as is. Tx.

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Hi Leon and David,
I’m facing same issue now.

From Garmin data

From Strava data


It is same workout data in overview, but it has different intervals/lap data in contents.
If you need any additional information, please let me know.

I think I have fixed this. Tx for the info.

Hello, I’ve started to have this same problem. Had some swims in pool, there were no problems, but last week it started to double swims. I’ve not been changing settings. any ideas how to fix it? Thanks.