Daily Steps Tracking/Sync

If you ever figure out how to do it via Healthfit and add Steps to daily import from Healthfit, let me know! :slight_smile:

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Garmin would be nice too


Sorry for the bump, but I’m totally lost on how to get steps from Google Fit. I’ve been reading a lot but I’m still haven’t been able to figure it out. is it possible?

I have connected Intervals to my Google Fit account, but steps are not being downloaded.


I like to see steps from google fit or garmin in the graphs

This can be plotted already. Or is the question how to get steps from GoogleFit Or Garmin into intervals?

Nice, I see it now as a plot option but I don’t see where it pulls it from (mine is empty). I cannot find it in the list of garmin or googlefit under settings

Ah, you looking for Steps Sync into Intervals.icu
As of current, there isn’t this option as far as I can tell.

If you’re on Apple iOS, you can get Garmin / Google Fit to Sync to Apple Health and then use HealthFit or My App (BreakAway) to sync it to Intervals.

Ok, but it should be easy to request because many other outputs from google fit are already requested?

Steps and time moving around during the day could be a nice addition to be able to do something like this: https://twitter.com/Alan_Couzens/status/1733481941536571584

I also vote for this step tracking feature, it would be awesome feature to get that daily data out from my Coros watch.

Coros is not making it available through their API, that´s why it isn´t implemented yet.
I am on their beta program and asked for it. I suggest you also put pressure on Coros to get those metrics from their API.

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Yes it would be nice to get insight in your total activity during the day combined with exercise events, steps can help with that. Combined with average hearthrate over the day is also a good suggestion. I dont think that just cycling activities alone give enough information.

I am also member of beta program, and thanks for tip about this “pushing some pressure to get more metrics” :smiley: Im gonna do that later today.

You can track daily steps with a little effort. There is a custom wellness field Steps that you can add to your Wellness dialog and enter the steps manually.

Manually is bad (atleast for me) because i forget it to do right away next day… :slight_smile:

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It might come soon…

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I see @MedTechCD custom steps field in the wellness data which I’ve added and will log manually for now but I’d love to have my garmin steps data be pulled in automatically.

I’ve a specific use case I’m working on and I’m already consuming the intervals.icu api so would be great to get all my wellness data from one source. @david is this on the roadmap or are you concentrating on more core exercise functionality?

I was hoping it would be easy to add this, since we already have Garmin and Google fit for the other wellness data.

In the mean time, does anyone have some automated scripts to update it ourselves (pull from Garmin / Google fit and post to intervals)?

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Steps and respiration got done:


Awesome! Thanks!!!