"Cycling adjacent"-training free apps

Hey guys, I feel like the crowd here is the most knowledgable I have access to. So here comes my question: I want to branch out into stretching, core training, maybe some light calistehnic strength work.

But I just love data and Progression and cannont find an app where I have a Training plan and can track progress. I.e. I just planked 2 minutes new personal best … which really kills my motivation.

I love cycling, but I also love putting in the work and getting the numbers as reward. Which is one of the reasons, I feel, why I always prefer to do another ride instead of doing different kinds of training. They dont exist in my world of numbers so to say.

Anyone know a good free app?

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I’ve tried a couple weightlifting apps, but none of them made me happy enough do anything other than just track them in Garmin Connect & my notebook. I generally track both pen & paper and my Garmin Instinct Crossover during the workout, then update numbers in a spreadsheet. The gym I use has lousy 5G coverage, so working out within another app doesn’t really work.

Some folks recommended WeightxReps, but even their little milestone function didn’t work, and the metrics seemed a little more gym-bro than training focused.

For non-lifting workouts, I find Garmin’s hard-coded library of strength exercises fairly limited, at least when it comes to the wacky stuff my Physical Therapist throws at me lol. Heaven forbid they allow you to create your own entries, and maybe even mark the muscle zones that benefit. I generally record what I can and call it a day.

For what it’s worth, I’m using the Starting Strength program as a basis for lifting, even though I’m far from starting with strength work and am in my fifties lol. The program still tracks well, you generally know when you move from phase to phase, and there’s even a companion book about lifting in your 40s, 50, 60s, and beyond.

The best app I found for tracking non-cycling things is FitNotes. It is local only on your phone stored in a sqlite database, so if you backup that database to your computer it is possible to do things with it.

FitNotes is nice because you can track anything you want and it will show personal bests as well as history of each exercise type individually along with easy copying of data from day to day if you do the same exercises. I believe it can also guide you through the workout if you built it on there.