Customizing zone Colors?

I’m using an Elemnt Bolt v2 which features a color display and is able to change the background color of the ‘3s Power’ data field to the current zone’s color. Unfortunately, the colors don’t match the colors in Intervals, which I use to analyse the rides afterwards.

While it’s no fault of Intervals, it would be a great big help to be able to customise Zone Colors in Intervals to match the ones from the Bolt (because Wahoo is unlikely to implement this feature on their side).


+1 to this for a slightly different reason: I would love to be able to change the zone colours to match Zwift. I can do this manually on my charts, but not with the in-built zone functionality. The colours are a great visual aid but at the moment I have to “translate” them from the Zwift colours I am more used to


Another in favour for yet a different reason.

I’m colourblind and can’t tell zone 2 and 4 apart on most screens. It’s manageable, but makes it hard to tell at a quick glance.


@david What about this older request? Has it been added to the to-do list or is it being ignored/rejected?

It’s not rejected, but it’s a lot of work so some way down the list. Zone colours are hardcoded in a bunch of places and the zones themselves aren’t always available to pick colours from.

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