Custom activity fields

Not directly (yet). However you can display the value from any /fitness page plot on the calendar. And you can plot custom activity fields on the /fitness page.

I am using a custom field on the whole activity by taking power (for cycling) via:


This works but it would be very nice to have the value calculated for a chosen part of the ride as well (when I mark part of the activity). This works for a default field “Average power” for example.

It’s probably very basic question, I could answer it myself if there was a way to see the code used to calculate default fields. Is that possible? It would make tinkering with things easier as one could just copy-paste the code and then edit it for their needs.

The default fields are all calculated in Java (very fast) whereas the custom ones are done in Javascript running in a sandbox (much slower but safe to run untrusted code). I can post Java fragments of specific things.

You can create custom interval fields to compute things for parts of an activity. These are also computed when you zoom on the timeline chart and displayed top left. So that might handle your “part of the activity” requirement.

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Could it be a feature request to add a field for lacate? Most runners I know take a lactate measurement during each workout, which for many translates to 3-6 workouts a week besides long/easy running. Having the lacate displayed on the calendar view like pace, GAP, etc. would be a great enhancement for runners. It could be something as simple as the feel parameter, where you just input “x.xx”, and at which interval you measured it.

Lactate: 2.0mmol
Measured at: 4th interval

sounds like this can be a custom wellness field capture?

It should be related to the activity imo. You can also take multiple readings in one workout. Would also be great in compare view for the same workouts. For many runners lactate is a much more important measurement compared to for example HR. The norwegian model for example soley base itself on lactate readings. Most of the runners I know/follow take a picture of the lactate reading and post it on strava to log the measurements. If would support logging and displaying it, that would be extremely useful.


I have “editable sparse custom activity streams” on the todo list. Like the current custom streams but supporting sparse streams (only a few points) with UI to edit for manual capture (+ CSV upload and so on).

Sounds great. Considering how wildy used it is I would consider adding it as a “standard” field for all users, but as long as I can record it I am happy :slight_smile:

I created 6 custom fields to calculate the work done in each zones; but in the custom chart the “100% stacked bar chart” isn’t displayed. for sure i’m missing something.
Here the code for Z1:
pData = streams.get(“fixed_watts”).data;
pZones = activity.icu_power_zones;
z1min = 0
z1max = ftp*(pZones[0]/100);

joules = 0;
for (let w of pData) {
if (w >= z1min && w < z1max) {
joules += w;
joules / 1000;

Thank you for help

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