Let’s see if I can describe this in a way that makes sense…
Is there a way to see the cumulative stats within an activity, from the beginning up to a certain point? I’ve figured out that I can delete a bunch of laps, then add an interval, then click on “use laps” again, but that really seems like a bad hack.
Ideally, I’d love to be able to select whether I’m seeing “instant” or “so-far-in-the-activity” data:
In “instant” mode (how it works now), I hover the cursor over (for example) the 19:32 second on the timeline, and it tells me that at that moment I was running 7:02/km with HR of 160bpm.
In “so-far-in-the-activity” mode, when I hover over 19:32 I can see that, from the beginning of the activity until this point, my average pace has been 6:58/km and average HR has been 157bpm.
This kind of data would help me see when in the race I began to slow down, or how the tendencies were changing along the way, etc.
This kind of thing would seem to be so obvious that I assume it’s there already and it’s easy to use, I just don’t know how to use it. Or is the way I found the only way to see this?
Create equal distance or equal time intervals on the Intervals page. There´s an automatic function for that.
Then check time or distance to see how you evolve during the activity.
Here’s an example where I first selected a part of a workout (warmup and cooldown excluded), then splitted in 7 equal distance parts:

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Thanks for responding. That’s a partial solution, and to a large extent I already have that by setting my Garmin to “auto lap” every kilometer. I could do what you’re suggesting with smaller or larger intervals, but again I have to destroy the existing ones, play with it to analyze the results, then return the laps again.
A true “cumulative” graph of how pace, HR, work/calories, cadence, etc evolve over the course of an activity provides richer and different information… how/when your pace or cadence starts falling off due to fatigue, for example. I’m just trying to figure out whether that, or something like that, also exists.
@david, any input on this? And again… does the question make sense? I hope I’m explaining things clearly.
When you highlight a section of the activity, it will “zoom in” on that selection. And it will show the stats for that section regardless what intervals exist.
The data is at the top left of the charts.
I think this satisfies your “so far in the activity” mode, though it takes highlighting the sections you want to analyze. If you’re looking for a singular chart that pre-calculates this for the entire activity, it might be possible with a custom activity chart: Custom activity charts or a custom stream: Custom activity streams with Javascript
This does what I need it to do, thanks. 
Someday, you may want to make that data a little more visible…highlight is as a block or something. I’ve been using intervals.icu for years and never realized that little block appeared.