and download this workout as .FIT file, the downloaded workout doesn’t contain the Powerzone values but only the power values. so when I download this to my Garmin, it contains de “custom_power” values and not the powerzones. see the screenshot
Unless defining repeat steps, the target_value dynamic field typically refers to setting a target zone. These target zones represent target limits that have already been established through other means, such as in a settings file, through a user interface, or predefined on fitness equipment. If zones are predefined their numbering should start at 1 (since 0 is reserved to indicate a custom zone). The workout_step can then be used to set a target heart rate, power, or other zone value. In this case, the custom_target_value_high and custom_target_value_low fields should be set to 0.
If a specific target range is desired, the custom_target_low and custom_target_high fields may be used to set the upper and lower boundaries of the desired target range, and the target_value would be set to 0. Refer to the FIT SDK for specific field/zone values. When creating swim workouts, the target is used to indicate the swim stroke for the step. always includes actual values in generated files to avoid relying on zones set on the device. It has no idea what those are or if they match the ones in
Well you can if the athletes are on The same workout will be customised for each athlete using their zones. Also if the workout has power/HR/pace steps the athlete can choose how to perform it.