Better plan tracking?

Because I had never used TP I was afraid of loosing the workouts charts graphics but no. Well done.
Workout compliance is very informative for “tracking” but not for “plan”…
As I’ve already mentioned before for the weekly summary I see no point because I’ll adjust( hoping for the best :slight_smile: ) my next workout(s) to match my week need regardless of past failures.
For exemple: this week I need a 557 TSS but because I failed my VO2max work from 180 to 147 TSS I’ll adjust Saturday planned workout in order to catch up.
So still my suggestion is to be able to “enter target values for the week” and compare the workouts&Paired to that number.
Some images to illustrate.
Current situation:

This 73% compliance is meaningless (for me).
The way it is I now I have to add 21TSS (557 (my target) - 536 (actual)) to Saturday´s workout in order to meet planned TSS ( but not TID because I have not intention to do another VO2 session in a week).
So the new snapshot will be:

Now I have adjusted my last workout to meet my need of 557.
Also @david I believe the 70% compliance to be wrong. I have done 407TSS over a 557TSS target . that would be 73% compliance and not 70%.

Best regards,

Second that, weekly targets - similar to TPs long term plan would be very nice

Is there any way to plan also the distance?

I am going to do weekly targets. That has been on the todo list for a long time and isn’t hard.

@pzolnierek I hadn’t considered distanced because most people plan by time (well for cycling anyway). I will think about that a bit.


Again !? Another great feature added !? :star_struck:

I’m not yet getting the compliance ticks, is there a delay before it’s available on any account/browser/location ?

Tx. You need to tick “Show compliance to plan” in options.

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Oops, sorry, I confused it with the one on the Activity page…

Targets dialog has started (not live yet!):

Still not sure about distance. It’s easy to show completed distance but not planned. I have no idea how far a given athlete might get at 200w for 1h etc.


Why not treat distance and power goals separately? Strava has weekly and yearly distance goals, and many people who don’t have power meters I know, measure their progress in weekly and yearly km ridden.

They are separate. The complication comes in when you add planned workouts to the calendar. I will show how close the plan gets to your targets for load and/or time but can’t do that for distances. I suppose thats ok.

Ok, are you able to show the total distance per week?

Yes it does that already for completed activities.

Any plans for entering TID breaking down?


I hadn’t thought about that. If you are doing say “polarised” does it vary by week? I am going to add notes to the targets so you could put something in there,

Post #2
I’m trying to copy and past it here with no success.
Any doubt don’t hesitate in asking.

@david , the pairing of planned and performed workouts is cool!
Now, for runs – where I don’t have power and plan via pace (or maybe also HR) – the placeholder of the matched plan in the calendar is “background”, i.e., the matched plan is not visible anymore in calendar view…
It is still clickable and opens up correctly, but, of course, it is very easily missed.

Would it be possible to provide some graph based on planned pace, HR, etc. if no power is specified in the plan?

NB: This “empty graph” is everywhere, but it is (probably) only a problem in the calendar view as only there it ends up being completely empty.

It is supposed to display the duration and load and not the graph for workouts without steps. It seems to be doing that for you now … did you do something to sort this out?

Hmm, right – mostly.
It did do this throughout, I realize, but it does not do it, e.g., for the run this Monday. I see the paired workout on the activities page, but not in the calendar…

Ah that Monday workout has a step so attempts to plot the skyline chart. The step is using power and you do not have power setup for runs so nothing is plotted. I need to try and improve that.

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I see – thanks!

Workaround for me is to remove the (single) step and then it indeed shows up as the “colored banner” below the actual activity in calendar view.

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