Average power of the work interval segments

There is so much interesting information. What I would still wish for in the list overview would be a field with the average performance of the work interval sections. The Recom intervals should not be included in the calculation. So you could see the average performance without the warm-up, cool-down and breaks in a table. I would be glad…

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I already have that (showing totals/averages for the intervals) on the todo list.


Many thanks :blush:

Bump and +1 here. This would be an awesome feature; great to measure yourself across many of the same workout.

Thank you.

This custom chart does it. Not configurable if you wanted another metric besides power though, but can be edited to suit.


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`has it be done since 22 ? Would be a great feature

Did you look for it?

There’s also a suite of boxplots: