Altitude analysis: min, max, average altitude in Activities List view

Thanks again to David and the forum for all of the good work that is done here!

I was trying to look at time spent altitude training and I figured that it would be great to have an easy to see way to check minimum, maximum and average altitude for activities.

I guess the easiest way would be to have them as columns in the list view so, for example, I could download them to an excel sheet and count how many sessions/hours I spent above a certain altitude.

It would be great to have some more complex analysis, such as graphs in the totals tabs that showed accumulated time above a certain altitude in a given period of time, or having those altitude variables as possible variables for the “compare” graphs, but I think what I said above about the columns in the totals would be a good start that would already allow for some basic analysis.


Afraid I don’t have time to do this fully but this is possible through custom activity fields (Custom activity fields).

The code will be like this, you need to make one for each. I assume the default unit is metres but there’s an option to convert to feet if you prefer.

// get data streams
AltStr = streams.get("fixed_altitude").data //could try altitude;

minAlt = Infinity;
maxAlt = -Infinity;
sumAlt = 0;
count = 0;

for (let value of AltStr) {
  // Update minimum value
  if (value < minAlt) {
    minAlt = value;
  // Update maximum value
  if (value > maxAlt) {
    maxAlt = value;
  // Calculate sum
  sumAlt += value;
  // Increment count

avgAlt = sumAlt / count;

console.log("Minimum:", minAlt );
console.log("Maximum:", maxAlt);
console.log("Average:", avgAlt);

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This got done eventually:

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