Aerobic Defiency Syndrome, ADS

Hi, I am an old (65+) guy, primarely XC-skiing during wintertime and do triathlons (Olympic and 70.3) in the summer. The older I get the more difficult it gets to keep up HR during longer events. My training for a year back was about 500h and
mainly base. My max HR is ~160 and LTHR ~145. AerobicTH would be something like 115-120 (not tested for some years but using heart rate drift its quite right). During a Olympic triathlon (3h) my avgHR was 134. The “Uphill Athlete” ,

talks about ADS when the difference between AerTH and AnaerTH is more than 10%.
Is this an age related phenomen or should I start training different? How if different?

BR Steve