Advice using to compare weekly TT efforts

My team has a weekly TT training “race”. We ride to a popular training road, do standing starts, then ride home and compare Strava segment times. Some of us hit lap buttons on our head units but the Strava segment time is “official.”

Digging into our accounts we then discuss ways to compare each other and compare to previous weeks. We want to know where where we’ve made progress, and where we can shave time. Power is next of interest. And we try to put numbers to things like our pace in the headwind, how hard we jumped our of the turnaround, how much we had left at the end. (We have a separate spreadsheet for calculating CdA, although that’d be quite a feature on!).

I currently take screengrabs of a few inervals I add manually to help me compare what I think are the most important parts of the effort: the start, the out part, the turnaround, the return part, and the finish.

What do you more experienced users, and time trialists, look at? How do you compare efforts?

Screengrab of two tabs comparing two dates (zoomed in to exclude warm-up / cool-down).

p.s. A favourite tool we use is sharing screen recordings of the Strava segment comparison tool. Here’s the segment, here’s a recording.

@david will have to confirm, but AFAIK there are planned upgrades to the Compare tab that will allow comparisons between selected workouts. Currently however, multiple browser windows/tabs are, or your method of screenshots is needed for comparison between efforts.

I’m going to bump this thread because I came looking for pretty much the same thing and I don’t see how to directly get it from Compare Activities.

I recently managed to knock 25 seconds off my time for a TT course, despite putting out less power (14W less ave, 20W less normalised), overshooting a turn-off and stopping for traffic.

I think I managed to work out where I made the time up by looking at the altitude graph and seeing that the pink line (recent effort) seemed to get ahead in the climb roughly 2km from the end. But I don’t know how much I should rely on the altitude estimates from my Garmin.

I have worked out what the distance plot is doing, but it’s difficult to use as the TT in both cases is a lap in the middle of the activity and the distance at the start of the TT is different in each activity.

What I think would be useful would be plots of cumulative distance vs time for each activity, then I’d be able to see clearly where I got ahead. Is that something that can be done?

Also it would be nice to have “distance from start of lap” as a thing to plot but I can work around that easily enough by having the TT be a separate activity.

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