Activity skyline chart on the calendar

I know, but I disabled it so that it would show the intervals from ROUVY. If I have “use laps for intervals” checked, it does not show any intervals for that Rouvy session.

I LOVE IT :heart_eyes: :ok_hand: fabulous addition, thanks

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My ride intervals are set as “Power, HR, Pace”.
When I go on a ride on a bike that has no power meter, I would expect to see a chart based on HR, but that doesn’t seem to be what I’m seeing.
What am I missing?

This is a great addition and with the API, BreakAway: Indoor Training can now (BETA) also get the skyline chart and show it for completed workouts.

Completed Workouts:

Planned Workouts:
Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 12.25.13 PM

@david I’m learning something new everyday, I learned that that you can actually condense a chart into a hash. :+1:

I was seeing a discprepancy when I was doing the development to support this skyline chart as well. (It was showing HR for my skyline chart intervals, instead of Pwr which is what I expected)

turns out I had the “intervals” setting as HR, Power, Pace (instead of Power, Hr, Pace as it has been change as shown below)

The other thing I noticed also was that in the completed activity view, the intervals shown was in HR and now Power (below example, I have changed it to PWR)

I had a look at your HR only ride on 6th Feb. That just has one interval for the whole ride. doesn’t attempt to auto detect intervals for HR activities. You need to use the lap button or add them yourself.

Making this take up little space was an important part of the development. Did you figure out how to decode it? The skyline_chart_bytes field on activity holds base 64 encoded bytes for a protobuf encoded chart.

message SkylineChart {
  uint32 numZones = 1;
  repeated uint32 width = 2;
  repeated uint32 intensity = 3;
  repeated uint32 zone = 4;
  uint32 type = 5; // WorkoutTarget ordinals: 1 = POWER, 2 = HR, 3 = PACE

The intensity field is 100 for an interval done at FTP, LTHR or threshold pace. A few older charts won’t have type, I added that later to help debugging.

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Took me a day and a half to get it figured out. Then had to re-do it once I figure out that it was in UINT8 and max was 127 and was getting errors > that number.

Really clever!

Next time just ask :slight_smile: I wasn’t planning to make this part of the API but I can’t change it now that there are millions of these charts so it is safe to use!

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Tx!! Will keep that in mind, tho due to time zone differences, when I want to ask, you’ll be sleeping and vice versa.

I was just browsing the API data returned and per-chance saw it. (else I was gonna manually get it via some other means)

I used “split” to carve the ride out into intervals and I now see more or less the chart I expected to see.
Thanks for clearing that up! I was struggling with it for days :upside_down_face:

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Screenshot (340)
Screenshot (341)

I love this feature but it doesn’t seem to be producing the expected results. In these two cases the rider had compliance scores of 99% and 100% but the skyline charts for the activities don’t look anything like the planned workouts. The workouts were created in the Workout Builder and exported to Zwift. Workouts are based on % of FTP.

Just a note for the skyline chart. The chart will utilise the averages of the intervals, hence for a ramp, it would show up as a flat bar instead.

compliance scores are based on actual Load and Duration vs planed load/duration.

There was a temporary HR glitch during the workout, but the power output matched the planned workout perfectly. The skyline chart looks as if it did not.

The skyline shows the avg for each defined/detected interval.
Define all intervals in the activity and the skyline will show exactly that. Ramps will look like a steady block with the interval avg.

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This entire block seems to be 1 interval. If this is true, then it matches the skyline chart.

The part about the ramps makes perfect sense. I reanalyzed the ride and it detected most of the intervals so the chart looks more like it should.



I would like the skyline in the activity detail page too. It helps particularly with outdoor rides (or any activity not associated with a workout file) to be quickly understood what kind of workout it most closely resembles.

Don’t you already see that in the intervals? The skyline chart is actually just the defined intervals.

You can simulate it using a custom chart with these settings:

You can even sort of simulate the ramps by using the interval trend option.

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