Strength Traning session not showing plan

I have created a strength training plan and connected it with the HR. As there is no graph in the plan, nothing is shown in the overview, so I can see what the actual plan I performed that day was.


Is it possible to make the plan visible somehow, if there is no graph with zones and stuff?

Are you referring to the Planned workout SkyLine chart (on the calendar page) or the lack of one on the activity details?

For the skyline, the way the skyline works is that it uses LAPS or based on significant differences in the HR/Power/Pace data (in lieu of actual manual/Auto laps)

Based on your actiity HR, they seems kinda flat which is likely why the algo regards it as 1 interval.

My workouts are defined in the Strong app. In parallel I record HR using another app.

After I finish:

  • tap Finish in Strong and there is a share button to copy to clipboard
  • tap End in HR app (happens to be Wahoo) and it auto-saves to Apple Health
  • open RunGap and it auto-syncs from Health to Garmin Connect
  • Garmin syncs to Strava, TrainingPeaks, and Intervals
  • open TrainingPeaks and Intervals and paste the workout text

Here is an example:

My working sets are every 90 seconds, alternating between hardstyle kettlebell swings and power pushups. 10 sets of each.

Because I’m doing about 10-15 seconds of high power work every 90 seconds, you can see nice HR intervals!

However it appears Intervals only detects intervals from power data. No power data, no interval detection.

On the calendar I’ve disabled the skyline chart for strength and mobility work:

I don’t believe this to be true.
It’s HR / Power / Pace

Or whatever you put as priority for load or something on the SETTINGS tab.

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My settings for weight training.

Ran this again:

No intervals detected.

Changed settings to this:

Ran this again:

No intervals detected.

Got something else for me to try?

also @Nik_Om_Cinderella_Ri

this sort of works:

if I play around with duration and exclude some. Too much fiddly work, so I abandoned doing it.

yah… i went ahead and did some tests of my own… What I found was…
if I used Garmin’s Built in Strength App, it records the Session NOT as laps, but something called SETS (I’ve not found much about how this is set up / decoded - FitFileExplorer on mac doens’t see it, fitFileExplorer sees it.

So it’s not based on “LAPS” hence that’s why USE LAPS doesn’t work. (I always use “USE LAPS” instead of having detect my laps)

I just went and try out variations of settings for strength, even lowering the HR max/Threshold to a low number to force the zones to change, you’re right, it doesn’t detect intervals. No sure what’s up.

I also took a RIDE fit file, then stripped off POWER data, leaving HR) and changd the Sttings to HR / Power / Pace (for intervals)

and it works
Skyline went from :
Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.56.27 AM

to This (power stripped out)
Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 10.56.06 AM

would like to test out specific to weight training, but fitfiletools doesn’t change the workout type

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Found this little GEM


I’m good with briefly reviewing HR after each strength session. And then ignoring it.

Would be nice to also track weight in Intervals. It’s now possible in TrainingPeaks but it needs enhancements to be useable. Promising but not there yet, and no syncs that I know about.

Yeah… seen quite a few requests for weight session integrations and most unfortunate that Garmin uses these things called SETS instead of the usual LAPS

But coming back to the Sets/Laps, what’s stopping you from pressing the LAP button on the Wahoo? (I’m not sure if you’re referring to the Wahoo Phone app or the Wahoo Headunit/watch)

If you manually press the LAP button, then at least it would get noted as a LAP and you get the defined intervals. Anyways, I don’t do much weight work to actually know what ppl care about in Strength sessions.

YOu talk about “no syncs that I know about”? What does this mean?

i recently got approved for TP’s API and am building stuffs to sync there. I’m excited with this approval as it opens doors for getting workouts to many places/headunits/watches.

Phone is running Strong app that prompts each exercise and runs rest timer. Also running Wahoo app on phone, just to record HR. Too much bother to switch after a set, focus is on breath work to recover, and doing fast & loose.

HR in strength training not important. StrongFirst method is to use talk test as a stop sign, along with breakdown in form. Can also use HR but most of those peaks are in my cycling zone2 and quick enough recovery because when next 90 second start comes along my breathing is back to normal and I could carry on a full conversation as if I was sitting in a chair.

I’ve played around with strength workouts in TrainingPeaks and submitted enhancement requests.