Activity Compare Page

Did this replace the “Intervals” tab?

That one was a nice and easy way to track the average power of my intensity intervals over a longer period of time. The new tab is a too detailed and does not work for me.

For example, my laps are not poperly labeled. I also make “z2” sections before and after my intensity intervals laps to keep track of HR/ Power at different points. But the new screen now takes the average of all laps in the session, instead of just the intensity intervals.

I just need to see the AVG of the intervals over time / many sessions, not the exact power line for each session. Too much clutter and takes some time to load.

Playing around with this and found that the list on the Compare Activity page lists some duplicate workouts, which are not there on the Activity page, and which have slightly different intensities and loads. Others do not show up at all. Any idea what’s going on? Adding that some of these activities actually show info in the charts, but their duplicates do not.

Additional question #1: my indoor sessions (swim, bike, run) all have a lot of the same interval durations, but their order is generally very different. Is there a similar way to compare just the intervals themselves, instead of the whole activity? I basically would want to track if my e.g. 1 minute or 100m intervals are getting faster over time even the workout order is different.

Additional question #2: I can only see activities from a week ago, and not the one from e.g. yesterday (Saturday). Is there a delay between doing the activity and them showing up in the list for Compare Activities?

Thanks for this feature!

Is it possible to compare the power graphs of two rides? That is, the graph displayed under “power”. As it is now, you can only compare with best efforts.


The search was returning deleted activities. I have fixed that.

That is an interesting idea and would bring this page closer to the old interval search page. It would also be very useful for outdoor activities. I need to think about how to implement it.

There shouldn’t be any delay. Is this still happening? I wasn’t able to reproduce this.

Not directly. You need to use multiple browser windows. Would be nice to be able to do that on this page though.

This function is superb but I login on multiple devices and the page seems to save locally so I can’t open on different devices. Am I doing something wrong? If not, this would be a great addition to tie to the login profile.

This is a great feature. However, would it be possible to change the progress charts so that only the selected intervals are displayed as dots on the chart? I often have some shorter warmup intervals before the real ones and they distort the picture.

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Tx. I have implemented that. If no intervals are selected then all are displayed. Note that the progress charts will already only show intervals visible on the charts above.

Thanks. I see it now. That’s awesome.

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Hey *all,
I just have a question regarding the searching and comparing of intervals. In the former function “Search Intervals” it was possible to search for specific intervals (e.g. 3x 8’) and you’ve got a perfect timeline with the power data of each single interval in a graphical overview. So it was quite easy to compare your current intervalability with the data from the past. How can I do this with the “Activity Compare Page”?
Thanks for your support!

Maybe thats help