14 Day VO2 Max Programme Review

Hi all,

Not had any goals this year and not doing well without some structure so reckon I’ll have a go at entering some hill climbs so want to improve 5min power.

Found this vo2 2 week booster

Which I translated to this

Which seems a lot but here he claims that it’s fine because they’re short and you can recover.

What do we think or should I just stick to doing 1 day a week classic 5x5 and 1 day FTP blocks?

Hill climb season still a few months away so got time but want to plan the plan

Hi Ben,
I think we all have been in the stage when we lack aim and after a while seems we have been stomping on the same place. VO2max booster plan seems a confident 2 week “pedal to the metal”, but to make sure it won’t hurt - add to these training sessions to the intervals calendar and see what the system shows in the charts - if the line do not cross to the red zone halfway of your suffering - fine.
Good luck and keep on pedalling!

Bonjour Ben
l entrainement m intéresse aussi
je voudrais savoir comment tu a traduit le 30/30s tu sert de la ftp d un pourcentage ou du MMP
30s 130% ftp

Hello Ben I am also interested in training I would like to know how you translated the 30/30s you use the ftp of a percentage or the MMP 30s 130% ftp

According to this plan you’d do the 30s at your vo2 power which is determined by a 5min max effort on day 1

Do you mind sharing the program?

I’ve shared it to the public library, it was made assuming 5min power was 450 so figures are hardcoded around that.

I think it’s okay to share as it’s publicly available for free though full credit to
Jesper Bondo Medhus at training4cyclists

Hi Ben, I’m a coach here in intervals, I would say it’s a bit too much 14 hard days back to back… hahaha, maybe adding an active rest day on sundays or maybe doing 3 hard days + active/complete rest rest day and then repeat would work better.

Also after than make sure to do something like two weeks way easier afterwards before going onto an other hard block. Like one hard session per week (like 5x5) and the rest Z2

Hope that helps!

Agree. Or one may have to go into it well tapered. But that kind of voids the point of training.

My point of view coincides with that of @Jordi_Sadurni , this plan was drawn up by Hannibal Lechter. As a coach, I wouldn’t give it to my worst enemy.

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Cheers all, I bought a proper 12 week programme in the end.

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Ditto. This looks like a program you’d want to give a client if you wanted to break them.

FWIW, @Ben , I’d recommend 3 workouts a week of either 4x5min or 5x4 min. I’m not a big fan of the staccato nature of some of the intervals. I can only assume it’s a slight adaptation of the (in)famous 13x30s workout, but, it can make it quite hard to track progress, fatigue, etc.

Having a power in mind is a good idea, but don’t be a slave to it. i.e. don’t expect to hit 330w (for example) for each interval. Make sure you give your max rpe to each effort, and expect some kind of reduction over time (e.g. 350, 340, 330, 320).

I wouldn’t even use the classic ones you say, depending on the physiology of the athlete it’s possible that he/she can’t stand those intervals, so I would try to work with “alternative” intervals, such as Bossi, Lisboa, HIDIT, Aerotune’s vo2max proposal, etc…
It would be a pleasure to share talks with you about different ways of working, in the end I think we can always learn new things.