Zwift workout downloads with ranges using centre of range

New here and new to structured training.

I’ve found the workout program I wanted to follow in the library already which is great, but the book (Time Crunched Cyclist) gives ranges for each type of interval. I do my indoor training on Zwift (no ranges), and outdoor on Garmin computer (can deal with ranges).

I just experimented with programming ranges in the (frankly very impressive) workout builder on here, but on importing to Zwift it defaults to bottom of range.

Would it be possible to set the .zwo export files to use the centre of a range, rather than the bottom?

Thanks! generates ZWO files with a range:

- 20m Z2
- 10m 70-80%
- 5m 65%

Exports as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <author>David (</author>
        <SteadyState show_avg="1" PowerHigh="0.748" PowerLow="0.558" Duration="1200"/>
        <SteadyState show_avg="1" PowerHigh="0.8" PowerLow="0.7" Duration="600"/>
        <SteadyState show_avg="1" Power="0.648" Duration="300"/>

I am worried that if I also include "Power=" with the ranges it will break something somewhere.

Anyone know if it is possible to get Zwift to use the middle of the range or better still the actual range?

I don’t think Zwift supports ranges full-stop. It makes for very boring workouts if you’re on erg mode and you’re doing 75 minutes of Z2 at a fixed wattage!

I’m experimenting with creating my own ramp-ups and ramp-downs etc in Zwift to make it a bit less dull, but I guess that wouldn’t work for the default.

Could the output for ZWO just take the midrange of any stated range from the workout and output a file with that instead? That would be a decent workaround maybe?

Here is a custom workout in Intervals and Zwift. It shows the mid-point, for me, not the lower end.

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Oh interesting! I must admit I was loading them into ZwiftWorkout as a proxy for Zwift, so that might be my bad. If it does centre of range, this thread is now redundant, sorry!

You can download from Intervals as ZWO, and copy it to your Workouts folder. Here is the example from Xert.
xxxxxxx is your Zwift ID

There is another option to use Dropbox, but it doesn’t work for me on a Mac. I’ll use the Automator app to automate the copy and paste.

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OK, this whole thing can be closed now, I realised I hadn’t even noticed the FTP settings at the bottom of zwiftworkout and in fact it behaves just like Zwift!