Zwift Activities

I have syncroniched Intervals Icu with Garmin Connect, but some Zwift activities have not been uploaded. It is strange, some Zwit activities have been uploaded, but others no. Any idea? According to the guidelines, if Garmin is connected with Zwift, all activitied should have been syncronzed.
I have tried to connect it also with strava to see if the problem was solved and it is not working either. When connecting with strava I have detected the issue that a few Swim activities have been duplicated. But i have already identified them and deleted them manually.
Thank you in advance!!!

Any activity not recorded with a Garmin device is not passed on to 3rd party apps. If it comes through Strava, then it will show, but might have some data stripped out, eg. L/R balance.

How does one Get Rides from Zwift/Rouvy/etc into Dropbox or manual? I’m wondering what is the usual process that you go thru. Esp if you’re not using a computer to run Zwift? (If on computer, the symlink option would work great)

Strava is a definite option but it strips out some data.