Workout Reserve

It would be very neat if we could get an implementation of Workout Reserve. The methodology is in this paper.

For users that don’t want to do maximal efforts:

First of all, instead of asking you to complete time-to-exhaustion tests, we build your speed/power profiling chart using rolling averages. This is achieved by taking your previous 6 weeks of training and then computing the mean maximum values of different rolling averages, let’s say from a few seconds to an hour.


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Now available in real time fyi.

Innovation explained here and how you can use it to optimize your training session.

Athletica Workout Reserve on Garmin app store download here (all sorts of Garmin models).



Is the data written in to the FIT file, for viewing in or WKO5?
Or is it only viewable in the Athletica app?

Great tool :+1:, but too expensive for my needs.


I agree is a great idea but also agree it is too costly!

From our developer:

Yes, it records the second by second Workout Reserve data, as well as summary data into the fit file. You will need to be an Athletica subscriber to use as it needs your workout reserve profile, calculated from your history on the servers. But the actual output of real time workout reserve can be seen in any platform that can read Garmin activity FIT files


Thanks Paul, I saw Phil’s reply on the FastTalkLabs forum.

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The cost of the is not that expensive; at least in my opinion. I haven’t tried it yet, so can’t confirm the details, but from what I’ve read, it’s reasonably priced.


You certainly have different goals than I do. When I look at the content of Intervals and the (voluntary) price for it, there are serious differences. I’m 67 and a data freak, but not at any price. That was also the reason why I no longer use TrainingPeaks. The desktop software runs WKO5 (which was also very expensive). If I were still racing… but as a pensioner you have to be careful what you spend your money on :slightly_smiling_face: :raising_hand_man:


Fair enough; not everyone needs an AI-based coaching platform.

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Precisely :+1:

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