Workout Converter

Is there a way to add an automatic workout conversion tool that can take a power-based workout and convert it to HR, and even more ideally RPE?
Here is a scenario for an example.
“I have a power-based trainer at home and I have a workout to do, but it is a beautiful day outside and the workout can be done outside. However, I do not have a power meter. So I would convert the workout built for the trainer, into a HR-based workout.
Now, I get to my venue, and Oh No, I forgot my HR strap. Now I want to convert it to RPE so I can still do my workout, even though I don’t have an HR strap.”

Another “unnamed” system has a tool like this, and I have found it useful when trying to teach young athletes what zones mean and feel like.

Example Photos

Power → HR could be done (convert power to zones and using matching HR zones?) but how would map to RPE automatically?

In your workout text, add the RPE before the duration, using your second example as reference:

Power based

HR based

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@david Agreed the RPE is the question one, and honestly, the one that got me thinking about this tool.

@Gerald , I like your idea, it does mean that it needs to be built/added in during the initial workout setup. Not the worst thing in the world, but just makes it a little bit more work. My ideal for this, is if I use someone’s shared workout, or pick a plan, I have the ability to just choose what way I want to do that workout on any given day. My wife and I are still growing our knowledge of ideal workouts. We use both manually created ones, as well as workouts from TrainerDay/CoachJack or other ones that people have shared on Intervals.

Also, the workout screenshots I included were from the other platform using a power-based workout, then using their transform tool.