Workout builder

Hi @david

There seems to be a bug in the workout builder. Some of my athletes reported the same, but I was unable to reproduce it, until now. Their Sunday email would show a workout time much longer than the actual workout, eg. 2h, when it should be 75m.

Below was a workout I had for 1 hour, with a manually added load of 30. I don’t usually add step data for recovery rides, as it’s just a ride, on feel, capping HR at a certain value. When I updated the workout to test on the Breakaway app, it shows 1h44m yet the workout builder graph only shows 1h, as does TIZ.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a possible “bug”?

Breakaway app also shows 1h44m, which is incorrect, and would be correct once I open the workout, and save it again. It’s not a train-smash (for me), as I can go back in and click on edit, save, close, and it should be okay.

Tried to replicate your workout… the last warmdown ramp… I can’t / dont know how you did the additional “hollow circle”

I did notice that on the last bit, if I were to add a new line to it, then it will show up as 1hr instead of 1h44m

edit: look at the workout graphic for the 1h44m… it’s the same as what you see on the BreakAway App.

Ik would be cool to be able to use hard pace/hr/watt value like

-15m 5:30-06:00 min/pace
-15m 140-150 hr

This is possible in the Garmin workout builder

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Power, Watt’s is possible. For HR or Pace you need to calculate %LTHR range or %Pace range yourself.


I think App4g is correct and that last double indented step is causing an issue. Try adding a blank line before that.

Just plus 1-ing for using RPE as a step goal (like HR, Pace, etcetera)

I did think about that for a while but figured it is easier to just use say HR steps and add equivalent RPE in the description.

Lol, that’s exactly what I’m doing. But someone said “what is this heart rate zone stuff?” which brought me here :slight_smile:

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@david i can’t upload zwo files from iPad to the calendar (import)
Can you please help me to fix ? :pray:

What happens? I just downloaded a zwo from my library, created a new planned ride on the calendar, imported the zwo and it worked. On an iPad.

I did. the same. Have the zwo in the downloaded folder local on iPad.

Add new workout → import → the zwo is greyed out


can someone help me how to import a planned Workout to zwift on an iPad and on AppleTV?

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

You need to do it from a computer I’m afraid… Workout Mode

iOS: In order to add or share custom workouts with an iOS device, you’ll need to access them on a computer. If you’re using a PC, follow the steps here. If you’re using a Mac, complete the steps below.

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Thanks, so I will try to follow those steps für the ipad. But Apple TV seems not to be supported. Sad but I personally can live with it.

Never used Apple TV but I would just assume that once you added the workouts to your account via a laptop it would all sync up (that’s what happens on my android phone)

Thanks. Ipad works. And apple TV, I’ll try.

Have this been implemented now? I couldn’t get it working, if it has.
No worries if not, it does sound like it would be a lot of work for you for little gain for us.

Well done! Thankyou so much for sharing. I am new here and so excited to be a part of this community:)

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Is possible to add a note in a specific time? In example a remainder for drinking or eat something…


What does the step prompt do or what is it for?
I had assumed that any text prompt in the plan is what would display on the computer (Wahoo Bolt) but I don’t get a text prompt at the start of an interval, rather I get the percentage watts I’m to do as a prompt instead (mid point of a range or the target if I have a target set)
I export as mrc file for Wahoo