Working with HR and Pace Thresholds


I am syncing everyhing with Garmin, though it is not clear to me if when Garmin upates Lactate Threshold HR and Pace those are also updated in, do I have to do it manually or doess make its own calculation ?

As I set the Pace and HR value based on my current Garmin value it seems to reprocess all activities, which does not seem correct to me as those chage over time

What am I missing ?

If you update the threshold values (and zones) they only apply to new activities for the sport. Don’t click the “Update Activities” button. doesn’t get this information from Garmin. For LTHR it will suggest increasing it if 98% of your best 20m HR is higher. It doesn’t do it automatically because maybe you were just thirsty or hot or whatever.


Tnx. Got it it. Thank you for explanation. Does it do this for pace too or only HR ?

If Garmin detects HR or pace thresholds, you can show them in the activity with custom fields:

They will not update any value on your settings, but for me is better because you can decide what to do, as David said.


No pace is not supported, only HR. The issue with pace is you need to know the run was done on the flat and so on.

Thank you for clarification. Yes I recognize Pace is complicated… so It looks like for HR I can accept recommendaitons and for Pace can update it periodically when Garmin reports change and I consider it relevant

@Povedano This image looks great, so I wonder how do I enable them to be shown as you have on such screenshot ?

On the activity page > CUSTOM (it’s a button at the end of the page) > :mag: FIELD (it’s also a bottom at the end of the custom activity fields modal) > Search for the fields that are on the list.


Do you need to reprocess activity or something ? As I add fields they do not seem to show up

While there is data in Garmin Connect view of the same activity

Re-Analyze and refresh page.

Activity List view, select the activities and then Edit - Analyze. Check ‘Keep existing Intervals’ to avoid loosing manual edits for intervals.

Tnx. I had to re-process original file and when it displays correctly!

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I have been trying this with mixed results. In the path I have only sync’d from Strava - I’m not sure if the extra Garmin fields are available when you pull the fit file from Strava.

I tried pulling in a week from Garmin redirect; re-analysed (not reprocessed I think) and the fields have appeared (training effect etc).

I then upped it to a months worth of data from Garmin and I can’t get the fields to populate; whether I reprocess Original or Analyse.

  • For those who have it working, are you pulling your activities from Garmin or Strava (or both)
  • For the historic ones to be populated did you Reprocess Original or Analyse ?