Work and work > FTP fields on activity

You can now display work done in kilojoules and work done at power above FTP for rides with power.

You have to turn this on using the new “Options” button (this is my plan to handle complexity on this page):

The “Work>FTP” value will display ? until I deploy the server side of this early on Sunday (GMT+2). I accidentally deployed the UI for it a bit early.

There is also a “Work” chart (click “Charts” button). This is interesting if you want to see how you perform when tired e.g. after doing a lot of work.

Tomorrow I am going to start work on “custom” charts in on the /fitness page for plotting this and anything else derivable from activity fields.


Regarding complexity

The adding to the building of this site could easily diversify the users into less but bigger groups. Many offerings have tried joggeling the focus between those firm on info to enhance training and abilities, some seeking simplicity in structuring planned paths, and then a lot hoping to gain knowledge without too much effort.

( just some of them, we also have the attention seekers, and the instant dropouts, and the “I don’t do this or that or so on, and I keep getting fat …” and what have you … and the list is long, and the more the merrier …)

Not to become an online version of GoldenCheetah and others where complexity and diversification have scared many off; some small tools in simplicity will easily keep the users hanging around.

The setup you have now is easy to get around in and for most, to understand the use of the different parts. By keeping specialities and advanced additions to option sections, is good.

Maybe whole part of pages, like the power page as it grows and the fitness page as options amounts, could have sections to be added as options for those who seek specialities.

Newcomers would not get the whole load of results developed by your eagerness to work and conform to wishes from users accustomed to the site, but could be presented with the simple version first, and then, through options and selection, built their own version of understanding and following training and results.

Actually nothing new. The balance between knowledge of a sport science education, and a lot of us with not much knowledge just using our will and few technological trix and information to stay cycling, is a fine broad line.

Hoping most of the registered athletes of the site are actually users.

Knowing that as the social parts are discovered and usage initiated, long as it might take, You’d better be ready to subdivide this forum or shelve your own training and sleep.


I have the attention span of a fly, so I often have a hard time following your posts, but yes :joy:

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The power pages and so on are a bit easier because I can just add the more esoteric charts further down the page.

You are doing a fine ballance between many available tools and overblown. I guess server usage can guide development directions.

Is there a way to view weekly totals of Kilojoules?

Yes you can add a custom chart on the /fitness page to do that.

Thanks for the reply David.