Whoop API available (Refer Whoop Thread)

+1 to this feature request. Maybe this subscription might be paid from money paid by subscribers of intervals.icu?

I’d like to see the strength trainer incorporated as well to import weight training information. Manually entering weight training sessions is a non-starter for me

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Any news?

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It seems I have to actually get a Whoop to be able to register and gain access to the API. Does anyone know if you can continue to login to Whoop after cancelling your subscription? Will be annoying to have to pay every month just to keep API access.

Whoop Support.

This is what I found on their site. (I don’t have a whoop. )

Yeah it isn’t clear if you will still be able to login which is all I need.

I just tried to buy one but they do not ship to South Africa. I am in contact with their support to try get one or at least create a Whoop account for me so I can get access to the API.


@david Should I create APP for you?

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Tx for the offer to help but I need one that I have complete control over so I can ensure continuity in future and so on. Also there is some responsibility for an app like this (not doing bad things with the data etc.) so it needs to be “official” Intervals.icu.

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Howsit D! I used myus.com , relayed it to the states then to SA. Cost was R2000, whoop is free for one month.

is there anything we can help to add this functionality. More subscribers?


I’d love to see this happen!


another +1

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Whoop now ship to South Africa and mine is supposedly on the way here.


Amazing news!


I would love to see my Whoop Data available in Intervals!

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Amazing! Im using whoop aswell so im happy to help beta test if thats needed :smiley:

+1, Whoop integration would be amazing!

I am going to be working on Whoop support this week. Does whoop eventually figure out how much sleep you actually need? :slight_smile:

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