Wellness data ordering of Mood/ Stress/ Soreness 'scores'

I’ve decided to try to keep track of some ‘intangibles’, especially coming into the darker days, to see if there’s a real effect on my sporting, and to see if some of those considered negative (grumpy!) can be overcome (with a custome chart on my Fitness page).

In the Wellness data input fields, would it be possible to have each ‘subjective’ field low to high/ left to right like

Soreness is Low Avg High Extreme (low to high)
Stress is Low Avg High Extreme (low to high)
Mood is Great Good OK Grumpy (high to low)
Motivation is Extreme High Avg Low (high to low)

At a quick glance, if I were to be all on the right (‘traditionally positive’?), I’d be Extreme, Extreme but two scores would actually be Grumpy and Low, considered negative.

thanks for everything on the site,

All subjective metrics are from Good → Bad, but unfortunately “Good” is the low number 1 and bad is 4.
@david implemented a fix to plot them correctly (Good = high) but it’s not obvious to find.
Create a plot for one of the scores and then click on the three dots to bring up underneath dialog where you can invert.

You could add all scores to one chart and invert all of them to have a visualization of the scores;


Understood: “Good → Bad,“ and “Good” is the low number 1 and bad is 4.”
Thanks for the inversion tip - I can use it for some of these things,

*though, I I think this is just a me thing :slight_smile:

I have added that to the Guide for the Fitness Page