Wellness comment cannot be deleted

I added welness comment, but I cannot delete it. It can be edited to just a letter, but not deleted completely. And same goes for feel in an activity, when I add it, I can change it, but it seems, that I cannot remove/disable it?

Replace by a single space

Thank you, it works for welness note, would you know how remove “feel” icon from activity too?

Sorry, don´t have a solution for that

Hmm there isn’t a way to get rid of feel or RPE currently.

hopefuly option will be added, If i can add it, I should be able to delete it. thanks

I added a clear button to the feel and RPE dialogs:

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perfect, thank you David for quick fix.

I noticed the Wellness comments still cannot be deleted. Is replacing comments to a space still the best method for removing comments?

Yes that should work.