Weird chart in treadmill running

How is it possible that HR has been 6 minutes over169 bpm, and 9 minutes over 172 bpm? Or am I not understanding something?

The speeds in garmins virtual run don’t match what I see on the treadmill, I think it tries to estimate speed from my corresponding pace when I run outdoors. After the run, which was an interval of 4 x 3 min at 4:08, 4:00, 3:52 and 3:45 min/km, I calibrated the run on my garmin watch to the distance shown on the treadmill. Maybe something got distorted…

It’s not that there were 6 minutes where HR was above 169, but that the highest average HR over a 6-minute interval was 169. Imagine a HR curve that looks like this:

There’s no 6-minute interval that has a higher average HR than the full 9 minutes.

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Here’s a similar question regarding Power values:

You can average a higher value for a longer time, at least mathematically.