Wahoo import: no session start_time found

Hi, for my ride yesterday I am getting an error when trying to manually upload the .fit file from my wahoo.

(I tried manual after dropbox does not sync, I guess it is failing silently)

I have also tried with the .gpx version of the activity exported from garmin connect just to make sure, but I am getting another 413 status code there.

Any idea how to fix this?

Attaching the screenshots here.

2021-06-28 15_32_32-Intervals.icu

2021-06-28 15_33_02-Intervals.icu

Could you please mail the fit and gpx files to david@intervals.icu and I will see whats up. Tx.

Also you can see a log of whats up with Dropbox if you click the folder in /settings:

I need to make it show a badge or something if there are errors.

Interesting, I didn’t know it was clickable! Thanks for info.

Will email over the files. Cheers!

Tx for those. The fit file looks like a multisport file with 3 cycling activities but the first 2 don’t have any data. Not sure whats up with that but I have deployed a workaround (multisport activity upload succeeds if at least one good activity is created from the file) and you should be able to upload it now.

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Oh I see. Thanks @david. It was 1 activity for me, but my wahoo crashed once and restarted, and the second time I restarted it because it was slow. Maybe that causes the multiple activities in the fit file.

I’m having a similar issue with a workout I downloaded from TrainingPeaks. Do you think you could take a look too? Thanks!

I’m facing the same issue from TP:


If your workout is a planned workout then you need to create a new planned workout and import it that way. Click a blank space on the calendar and choose Ride/Run etc., then do import:

@Bernd_Vantyghem Are those JOIN…fit files planned workouts or completed activities? That DropBox integration is for downloading completed activities, not planned workouts.

Ah amazing! Thanks for that tip David, worked great. Btw how do I get the supporter badge?

Thx for explanation, yes these where JOIN fit files.

Thanks. That is supposed to happen automatically but it seems it is a bit buggy. I am going to try fix it.