Using Zones in Workout Builder 🤦🏼‍♂️

Did all you people already know when building a workout you could put

  • 30m Z2
  • 9m SS

and It would appropriately build it as Zone 2 and Sweet Spot?!

I feel silly that I had never tried this until today. I would always spend my time,
“Ok, what percentage is Zone 2 again?
tries percentages
tries other percentages
Nope, but closer…”

Anyway, just figured I’d throw this shortcut out there for anyone else who may not have realized the obvious yet, like I hadn’t until today!

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Yeah totally missed that thread!

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Do bear in mind that depending on your headunit or your training app, and if you’re using it indoors or outdoors, due to the zones being so “big” range wise, the behaviour would be different.

eg: If you send it to a Garmin Headunit (as erg workout) , it would default I think to the middle of the zone. Or Just show as “where you are in the range(for HR Zones)”.
