Use paired workout to create segments

With this new feature to show the intervals in the calendar view, i pay more attention to creating correct intervals, so the workout is shown in the calendar.

It would be great, if there was a possibility to create the intervals from the assigned workout. My idea is, that there’s one more entry in the Actions-menu “create intervals from assigned workout”. This should allow the user to first apply the time shift with the Options-menu and afterwards automatically generate the intervals.

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If you execute a planned workout on your recording device, the laps should be recorded too and if you set Intervals to ‘Use laps’, it’s all correctly imported.
Or are you using different devices to play the workout and record the activity?

Yes, that’s the point. I record all activities with my Garmin devices. They simply collect more data, but the workout players on the devices are no fun (you cannot see how the WO continues, etc.)

Double recording left me all the time with troubles in syncinc the data. Riding a WO on Zwift, collecting the data with Garmin - that’s fine when you are only on the WO, but beware when you do more than one sessions on Zwift - then you end up deleting these sessions everywhere.

And with the other sports than cycling it get’s even more complicated. My treadmill can play WO (if you’re willing to fiddle a bit with the WO-creator) but it cannot record them, so it has to be done with my Garmin (which collects a lot more data anyway).

Rowing on the Concept 2 is a pain when it comes to WOs. I tried a lot of things, but none is really good. My current solution is playing the WO with Trainerday and recording them with my EPIX, as Trainerday does not collect speed and distance data (this might be a problem of the version of my PM5, but still it doesn’t work).

I also dual record with my Garmin while TrainerDay is used as workout player.
My indoor workouts are fairly simple and I use the Lap button when the workout player beeps for the start of a new step. That’s enough for me. If one of the lap pushes was early/late/forgotten, it’s simple to quickly edit those in Intervals activity.
Did you try the recently added Actions - Find Intervals function?

Yes, I did, and it worked, at least for the one I tried (simple WO design with interval and rest.) I haven’t tried for more complex WOs, where intervals build up or pyramids.

I find it easiest however, to mark the whole WO as one big interval and then set the interval borders with the S button at the changes of the line representing the planned WO (after I adjusted for the timing difference).

This is, actually, how I came up with the idea, that this very simple task could probably easily be done by an additional command in the menu.