Update Activities Data After Strava Subscription

Hello Everyone… I’m new to Intervals.icu. I imported my entire database from Strava, then I noticed that Strava didn’t send the cadence data…

So, I subscribed to Strava, in Strava I can now see the cadence data that was previously hidden… I tried reprocess the data in Intervals.icu, but the data is not updated…

I even tried to delete an activity and reprocess it day, but in this case, Intervals.icu no longer downloads the data from the deleted activity…

Is there any way to reprocess the data and obtain it completely now that I am a Strava subscriber and have access to all the data?

I just checked my Strava, and cadence is there without a subscription.

you can always download the orginal activity from the source (like Garmin connect or) and upload it here manually.

I have been using GC for many years, but as non-tech user find it hard to navigate. The only thing I miss if (calculated?) estimate for AWC W’ prime. Does Intervals offer this? If so, where can I find it? Thx

Whats AWC? There is w’prime tho

ACWR is Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio.
It was added a few years ago.

Edit: Ignore… I wasn’t concentrating when responding.

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My Bike Computer is a Bryton… Don’t have native integration with Intervals (Am I wrong?). So, I need to use Strava to integrate my cycling activities with Intervals…

Here is the info I have from an activity imported from strava:

ps. In the Strava App, after I subscribe, I can see the cadence in this activity.

Here is the info I have when I export the .fit file from Bryton and direct import in intervals:

And I know that is possible to Strava send the cadence info, so, why I my activities data imported from Strava this info don’t have been come?

Does the Bryton have ability to sync with Dropbox? You can upload to Dropbox and from there to Intervals.

you don’t see this before you subscribe? interesting. I’m not sure what I can do to help then.

Yeah, unfortunately Bryton doesn’t have much integration except with Strava and Training Peaks i think

After subscribing at Strava, I can even see the cadence information on Strava, but as the activities had already been imported into Intervals, I don’t know if there is a way to reprocess it by getting the new information. I’ve already tried to force Intervals to process again, but nothing changes.

It doesn’t look like Strava is sending through cadence data for your older (pre-Strava sub) activities. I tried undeleting one of them (which reloads it from Strava) and no cadence was provided.

Exactly… That’s the question. In Strava there is cadence data… When I imported this information into Intervals, this information did not come, probably because I am not a subscriber, and, after becoming a subscriber, I cannot re-import the activities, not even if I delete from Intervals. I would like to know if there is any way to reprocess and obtain the cadence data that exists in Strava for each activity.

where is w’prime?

AWC I believe is Anaerobic Work Capacity. An old name for essentially W’ and also known as RWC -Reserve work capacity. Same thing ; different name.

Oops, I had a dyslexic moment further up with ACWR and AWC :man_facepalming:

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If it makes you feel better, it’s not cuz you’re a “non-tech user”. It’s because Garmin Connect is a mess lol.