TSS for new solo and group rides in TrainerRoad do not get synced correctly to intervals


I just created a new plan that has solo and group rides, a new feature released by TrainerRoad: πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ New Feature: Group and Solo Rides in Plan Builder! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ - Announcements - TrainerRoad

After publishing my new training plan and syncing intervals against TrainerRoad, I noticed that the TSS for the solo and group rides for some reason does not match (screenshots attached).


It appears that TrainerRoad exports whatever workout was suggested for that day before it was changed to solo or group ride.

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Let TrainerRoad know: πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ New Feature: Group and Solo Rides in Plan Builder! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ - #32 by mvilanova - Announcements - TrainerRoad

TrainerRoad is working on a fix.

This has been fixed

I’m seeing the time/TSS double counted or overcounted for these group and solo rides.

It seems like if I plan a solo ride in TR and then complete the ride, both the rides aren’t matched on the intervals.icu side so I get a planned effort with time/TSS + the actual effort + time/TSS. So instead of 8:24 of ride time (correct), I see 11:26.

I anyone else seeing something similar?

I removed the TR calendar from intervals.icu and that β€œsolved” the TSS and duration issue but it’s very much less that optimal :expressionless:

Is anyone else having this double counting issue or is removing the sycned calendar the only workaround?

I replied in the TrainerRoad thread, but I’m not experiencing this issue. For example, I had a group ride of 3h and 100 TSS scheduled in TR, but I only did 2h and 136 TSS. TR did not match them. Here are screenshots from both sides.

If it’s only a problem of β€˜not paired’, pair them manually by dragging one to the other.
If something more is going wrong, please explain further because I’m not fully grasping what you mean.