Tracking Personal Bests

In the Intervalls Tab, the development of Intervall Power over time can be tracked.
Would be nice to have an option there, to see the development of personal bests (5s, 1min, 5min,…) over time.

Thats a good idea. You can already see this season vs last season and so on in the table on the right.

Something to think about is over what time period to look for PBs. Maybe best power for each selected duration for a rolling 42 day or 84 day window?

My idea is mostly inspired by the training peaks app, where you have the opportunity to chose different PB durations and than get a plot and a table of all time or current season PB’s. There is also the opportunity in some charts (e.g. PMC) to overlay them with a line representing PB’s for configurable durations.
Cannot send a screenshot as I am not longer using the paid version and switched to :wink:

However a moving window would be interesting too.

I think I understand what you were originally posting about now. I could add “achievement markers” to the fitness chart showing when you achieved new PBs. Thats easy to do.


Adding to this: whenever I have a new pb I’m always trying to find out how much it’s higher than the previous. Would be nice if next to the star and power there’s a green arrow pointing up with the amount of wattage you improved your pb. (Xert has this for fitness signatures)

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Thats a good idea. It does do this when your eFTP goes up but not for the power ones. Its now on the todo list.

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Hmm, had not seen this on eFtp. I guess this means there’s no red arrow when it goes down😬

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Thanks David for this absolutely great tool. Nevertheless I would like to ask if this topic is still on your todo-List?

Thanks alot!

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Two examples of good implementations are TrainerRoad’s personal-bests power curve, where you can see your best power for any given interval during either a date range or in multiple past seasons, and Training Peaks’ personal-bests feature where you pick one duration and sport and it shows you the best few results for that.

Personally, I am MUCH more of a fan of TrainerRoad’s implementation.

Side note: Trainer Road’s ability to create overlapping “seasons” is also simple but killer. You can have seasons for calendar years, or seasons going from one major event to another, and seasons that match a given training plan. Not all of us race or care about the pro season.

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You know this is exactly how work too right?

Determine you own seasons, and look at your power curve for any particular period.

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Thanks for the correction! I was under the impression that IICU’s seasons were consecutive and non-overlapping. Nice to see they’re not.

Actually they can’t overlap. But you can select a start date (top left) and the past 42d or 84d or whatever to do some more complicated comparisons.

Thanks for the correction to the correction! :grinning:

I then return to my suggestion that the TrainerRoad implementation is fantastic. :+1:t2:

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The overlapping part was your sidenote :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for the correction to the perception of a correction to the correction! :joy:

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I agree with this. It would be nice to have in Intervals, but I don’t think it is a high priority as the current feature works fairly well.