The Science Behind How Elite Runners Train (FYI)


David Roche just published a really interesting piece about a newly published study.

The Intensity Table is perhaps what many have asked for in regards to guidance. David writes “print it out, put it above your bed like it’s a childhood poster.” If you don’t know who David is, it’s worth the time to find out and to listen. He keeps a really low profile but is someone who many, many, many top level athletes, coaches and sports physiologists listen to.


This post deserves recognition. I haven’t had time to read the study thoroughly, but skimmed the piece.

I am skeptical about global distributions of intensity – i.e., I doubt that the 80/20 rule is useful for everybody. And I don’t believe that world-class athletes that train 80/20 prove anything about the training of amateurs.

On the other hand, the intensity table linked above is very useful for building individual workouts.

In regards to distribution, this podcast episode brought up a lot of good points.

thanks for posting this, I enjoyed how the Fast Talk hosts went in defense of Seiler, and rightly so.

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I didn’t experience that they “went in defence of” Seiler. Instead, I thought they looked at the information, presentation and the author’s support or lack thereof. In the end, it was pretty evident which of the groups was grasping at straws and which was looking at the data objectively.