Temperature field incorrect with indoor workouts

Primarily to track temperature, I record indoor rides on my Garmin.

Here is one workout:

Notice the following:

  • no wind icon to the right of S-RPE and Feel (I’m ok with that)
  • Garmin recorded temperature is displayed as first chart
  • Interval stats includes temperature field, but it incorrectly shows 32 degrees / 0 celsius
  • Garmin indoor recording mode = there is no GPS or map associated with the workout (this is ok too, just pointing out differences versus outdoor)

Weather data is ignored by design for indoor activities. But temp from device should be correct.
I always had correct temp in the charts but I never configured a field for it. Will check that tomorrow.

my garage temperature varies from 12C to 38C (55F to 100F), so I actually WANT to see it as it starts to impacts my workouts above 28C / 82F.

Yes off course, that´s why I also have a temp chart.
But it never came to mind to add it in the stats, so can´t confirm right now if it is incorrect or not.

I review both inside and outside workouts using the same fields and charts. Outside workouts its common this time of year to start an outside workout at say 14C / 57F, and during the intervals the temperature drops to 7C / 45F. And so my power-to-HR increases across intervals, solely due to additional cooling.

So I added temperature to the interval fields, to easily scan temperature drops.

Same workout view for inside and outside, so I noticed the issue.

Should I be @MedTechCD to all bug reports?

@MedTechCD and @david
I can confirm that the interval field “Avg Temperature” shows “- C”, even if there is recorded temperature with my head unit (Wahoo).
The “- C“ will probably be converted to “32F”


Not really :wink:
All moderators on the forum are volunteers, each with their own field(s) of expertise. Our goal is to filter bug reports/requests and questions to relieve david as best as possible so that he can focus on development without having to read and respond to every single post on the forum.
Given your activity on the forum, you will probably also reach the moderator state in the near future.


some are “volunteered” :smiley_cat:


I have just fixed this. Temp stuff was only being calculated for activities with weather. Tx for the report.

Thanks so much to you and the others. Saves me so much time.