Target power range vs actual

I’m down to quickly viewing range-vs-actual (& Garmin secondary target)

as the only things stopping me from paying for intervals and migrating workouts from TrainingPeaks and switching to free TP (for archiving and feeding WKO).

Last I checked power&HR ranges weren’t working (Garmin Secondary Workout Target) although I’m using power & cadence ranges. Can’t recall if I tested cadence as secondary target, but 7 months ago HR as secondary target wasn’t working.

Any chance target power-range vs actual will ever make it high enough on the priority list to get completed?


looks great and its disappointing to not see the same when opening workout. I’ve customized a chart with 30-s power in bold and zone highlighting:

which works well for some workouts (endurance) but not others. Honestly it’s better than TP when quickly looking at short accelerations at end of EZ endurance workouts. Still can’t believe that TP zone overlay is so hard to see it’s almost unusable.

Thanks for all the progress with Intervals.

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@david ? I’m so close to putting time on the calendar to pay for Intervals and start transferring workouts. Thanks in advance.

Verified the cadence as secondary target is working :+1: on my 840.

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Thanks. So you want to see a high and low line for the workout target power?

yes. A more interesting example:


This is not a big deal, and last night I went ahead and paid for a full year.

I’ve been using GC to feed Intervals. Last night I connected Strava.

And then all hell broke loose.

  • Strava rides get “fun names”
  • Garmin Connect gets workout names
  • Intervals gets rides from GC, so it had workout names

All good, right?

Now I have Strava names. Revoked Strava access and still have Strava names. Sad panda.

Second issue

  • previously Intervals was extracting workout from FIT file
  • yesterday I created a workout in Intervals
  • yesterday after finishing the ride I had multiple tiles on Wednesday

Why does planned still show up? CONFUSING. I messed around and can’t recall, but at one point (after unpairing) I had 3 tiles on Wednesday. Massively confusing.

Yes I know there is an option (Show past planned workouts) to disable that.

TrainingPeaks has what I consider reasonable behavior:

  • completed workouts show with a color (color indexed to compliance), and the planned workout and actual workout are merged into a single tile
  • planned workouts that are NOT completed show as red

Comparing to Intervals I have two notes:

  • TP’s colored tiles make seeing TSS compliance much easier (I picked TSS)
  • Intervals’ skyline charts make it much easier to see power planned vs completed

And a note to self - forgot to sync Strength to Garmin. FWIW I’m using Strong, which syncs to Apple Health, and then RunGap to sync to Garmin (and somehow I recently disabled the auto-syncing).

Sorry for all the extra info.


There is a “Keep non-Strava activities in sync” checkbox in the Strava box in /settings that controls activity name update from Strava:

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 19.12.17

If you untick that then the name from Strava is not used.

If you are planning workouts on then you should disable the automatic extract workout from the completed activity thing:

Untick the box and click ok to save. This will extract one more workout which you can delete. keeps planned and actual workouts separate so you can change the pairing if it gets it wrong etc… They are rendered together on the activity tile. has a similar compliance scheme to TP, it just only colours the tick or cross next to the percentage. If you miss a workout it gets a red cross (e.g. the extra one on Wed).

Activity and workout colours can be set by sport, intensity or training load etc (do Options → Colours). I have mine set for load:

Also if you untick “Workout” next to “Chart” then the planned workout skyline chart is hidden for paired workouts, reducing clutter. Of course then you can’t see what you were supposed to have been doing.

Now that you are a supporter you should have a look at the new activity compare page, if you haven’t already:

Appears to be going forward only, because I tried that last night before revoking access to Strava. Just synced with Strava again, and it’s deselected (same state as I left off before revoking). And still have Strava names. Which is precisely the opposite of what I want.

Which leaves me thinking of deleting all data and reimporting from Garmin. Which sounds like a big server load. And I absolutely have some missing rides from the past, which is annoying, and another reason I feel like starting over.


And thank you for the other info.

I REALLY REALLY don’t like (bordering on hate LOL) the extra clutter of keeping planned and completed workouts separate. Right now I have 3 tiles:

not really sure where you got the last tile - it has a 10 minute cooldown vs the planned 5 minute cooldown. Here are the actual intervals:

and what I thought was the planned workout:

too many things going on, so maybe I made a mistake. So I opened the fit file in and it says the workout is “Aerobic 90m 62 TSS” and I believe it. So where did a workout with 10m cooldown and Load of 65 come from?

Thanks again.

The problem here is that you have 3 workouts on that day. One is paired with the activity (on the same tile) and the others are separate. Probably from the “auto extract workout thing”. You can just delete them. requires that all steps in a workout have a duration or distance. It defaults to 10 minutes for “open” steps. You can change this. Create a new workout and click the dot dot dot menu next to “Import”:

Yes that is correct. Unfortunately there isn’t any easy way to get your Garmin names back, other than deleting everything and re-importing or scripting something using the API.

Server load for the import isn’t an issue but tx for thinking of that.

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thanks again, appreciate the assistance navigating thru this.

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