Taking a past activity and duplicating it into the future?

New to intervals.icu. Just wondering if you can duplicate an activity and placing it into a future date on the planner? Thanks.

If you mean a workout, Alt drag on the calendar.
Or use the workout library.

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Thanks, I’ll give it a go

Depending on what date the workout you want to transfer was done you might need to drag the workout to the library and then from there to the calendar again. You won’t be able to drag from one day to the next unless both days are visible on the screen.

You can also copy, paste and duplicate weeks using the week menu:

You can also create “training plans” only a week or two long in the library and drag and drop them onto your calendar.

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Brilliant. Thanks for that.
What if I wanted to check the benefits of a free ride which I did last wednesday and add it into next week. This wasn’t a workout, just a ride.

You can drag and drop an activity from your calendar onto a folder in your workout library to create a workout matching the intervals of the activity.