Swim workout sometimes ignores rest

Given I create a swim workout in the interval.icu workout builder,
Given I use the snippet below,
the last rest moment between some of the repeats doesn’t work.

- Z2 Any 500 meters Z2 PACE
- 20s intensity=rest

- 100 meters Z2 PACE
- 20s intensity=rest
- 100 meters Z3 PACE
- 20s intensity=rest
- 100 meters Z4 PACE
- 20s intensity=rest
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 20s intensity=rest

Z4 Fast Intervals 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s intensity=rest

Z5 Sprint
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s intensity=rest

Z4 Fast 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s intensity=rest

Z5 Sprint
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s intensity=rest

Z4 Fast 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s intensity=rest

Z5 Sprint
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s intensity=rest

Z4 Fast 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s intensity=rest

Z5 Sprint
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 60s intensity=rest

Z4 Final 2x
- 100 meters Z4 PACE
- 30s intensity=rest

- Easy any 200 meters Z2 PACE

Red arrows point to rests that didn’t not appear during workout.
The others worked just fine (including the last rest of Warmup & Build repeat).

Already tried removing the “Z4” & “Z5” from the troublesome repeats, that didn’t help.
Already tried raising the rests to 20s for all, that also didn’t help.

Any idea why the workout editor is showing the rests, but in my garmin workout they don’t occur?

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I’m not sure what specifically is causing it to break the parser. But this is how I would set it up (and have tested, it loaded correctly on the watch)

- 500 meters Z2 PACE
- 20s

- 100 meters Z2 PACE
- 20s
- 100 meters Z3 PACE
- 20s
- 100 meters Z4 PACE
- 20s
- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 20s

Repeat 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s

- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s

Repeat 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s

- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s

Fast 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s

- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 15s

Fast 4x
- 50 meters Z4 PACE
- 10s

- 100 meters Z5 PACE
- 60s

Final 2x
- 100 meters Z4 PACE
- 30s

- 200 meters Z2 PACE

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Thanks David for your suggestion, I tried it - basically removing the “intensity=rest” - and that works sort off. They are not skipped anymore, but at the same time those periods are not “Rest” periods. The watch displays it as an interval and tracks how far I swim during that rest. Furthermore, it doesn’t automatically start the next step after the rest is over. The rest just keeps on going and ignores the time set.

So it doesn’t seem to work quite right.

I also notice that the workout in garmin (on the watch) says “2925m” instead of “2500 m” in the intervals UI. The fact that it end on …25m is also impossible as I don’t do single pool lengths.