SWIM: setting to ignore unrealistic pace best efforts

sometimes the swims are not correctly tracked by a smart watch. So, it may happen that you get best efforts for certain distances, that are unrealistic like 1s for 50m or 20s for 100m,…
It would be great if there would be an option to ignore efforts that are faster than for example 50%(configurable) of the threshold pace setting.

best regards

Or adjust the FIT file here, delete the activity in ICU and your recording platform, then reupload the new FIT file to that platform so that it syncs to ICU.

Ah ok, but then I need several steps to have valid data.
I can ignore pace data at intervals for a certain activity, too.
It is just a suggestion to get rid of unnecessary additional steps.

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Editing the file with swimmingwatchtools is the best way currently, as that way not only are incorrect values ignored, but they can be completely fixed so you have correct data. Someone did ask if david could implement a similar feature to that here: fix fit files

I would love for it to be native to intervals.icu, as there seems to be an unknown about what will happen to the tools website.

You can ignore parts of an activity to exclude those:

I really don’t like this method, which I was using for a while. The actual data of lengths/distance is still going to be incorrect. Hence the use of swimmingwatchtools.com

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