Subintervals - Mobile App for data

Thanks for the app. Amazing.

I’m not sure if it’s just me as no one else has mentioned that the activity duration seems to be consistently x+1 hour longer than it actually is (x).

Looks correct to me.
Elapsed time Ride is 4:34
Moving time is 3:30 or so

The graph shows the elapsed time
The top showing moving time.

See attached for example. A 30m walk is saying 1h30m

Everyone of my activities is doing this.

Is it due to daylight savings?

Oh. Mine is the opposite. The top is showing 3:30 and the graph is showing 4:30

(Stopped during ride but didn’t pause or stop the Garmin)

Perhaps better question is how it looks within intervals? It should match.

It’s also the same when I see it on BreakAway / Intervals / SubIntervals. All of them matches.

(No daylight savings here)

In it is all correct. It’s strange that it’s still reporting 1h more in subintervals.

Hey @Inakiarroyo

on Android I’m not able to log in. After giving Permissions at the WebView I get redirected to a blank Screen with “Not found” at the Top.

Hello @Ringo_Rohe I will write you a private message to see if we can fix it :+1:

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Hello everyone, in January :christmas_tree: my idea is to release:

  • Bug fixes and UI improvements on the list of activities: initial positioning, better auto refresh after updating an activity, etc.
  • Add more info into the activity detail: power, etc.
  • Possibility to see the details of the planned workouts (v1)
  • Add the possibility to add comments on the activities (v1)

Looks great, but my zwift workouts don’t pull through on the app?

Is your Zwift workouts coming from Strava or Zwift?

If strava, you need to switch it over to Zwift direct. More Here:

What’s New in v1.3.0

:sparkles: Enhanced Activity List

  • Bug Fixes & UI Improvements: Smoother experience with fixed positioning issues and a more responsive interface.
  • Auto-Refresh Optimisation: Activities update seamlessly after any changes, ensuring your list is always up-to-date.

:art: Customisable Activity Colours

  • Personalised Display: Choose from your configured colours (solid, intensity, load, or RPE) for activities to better visualise your workouts.

:date: Planned Workouts Overview (v1)

  • Detailed Insights: View comprehensive details of your upcoming workouts or events.

:bar_chart: Expanded Activity Details

  • Comprehensive Metrics: Adds additional information such as power or compliance.

:memo: Comments & Notes on Activities (v1)

  • Personal Annotations: Add and review comments or notes on each activity to track your progress.

:gem: Subscription & Support

  • Support the App: If you like using the app, consider making a donation to help me continue improving and providing great features.

:framed_picture: All new App screenshots available on

Hope you like it!


What’s New in v1.4.0

:date: Calendar Date Range Selector

  • Select custom date ranges to review your workout history

:zap: Activity Average Speed Info

  • See your average speed for each activity

:bar_chart: Enhanced Charts

  • Activity Pace Chart
  • Activity Speed Chart

Hi, thanks for the great work!

I have a question, do you plan to display a graph of the workout as in intervals?


I hope this will be available soon if you can do it that would be super cool !


Suggestion for a feature. :slight_smile:

Currently, only via the website daily feeling/emotions as described below are possible. Would it be possible to submit entries in the app?

This makes it very easy to submit and track the items below.

  • Soreness
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Mood
  • Motivation
  • Injury



Se ve realmente bien, muchas gracias!

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Hey @dieperid

Yes, it is on my roadmap :+1:

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Hello @Ion-Lee_Kuiper, I will add that feature to the roadmap

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Android 16 Beta user, I can not install your app

Edit: reboot and now I can install

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Hi! I love the app, but have a bug where my fitness/fatigue graphs populate accurately but my activities have no information associated. Can you let me know of any possible fixes?

Likely your issue.