Subintervals - Mobile App for data

Hello everyone,

First or all, I would like to thank @david for creating and developing such an incredible platform as :raised_hands:.

I have been working on a mobile application, Subintervals App, which aims to provide mobile access to the extensive data offered by The goal is to make it easier for all us to view and interact with our training data on the go.


What’s already available in Subintervals?

1. Login

Log in directly with your account. No additional registration needed, no data collected.

2. Track Your Progress

Explore essential charts reflecting your fitness condition, including: Fitness, Fatigue, Ramp Rate, and Form.

3. Training Calendar

View all your workouts, activities, and events in a handy list-style calendar

4. Analyse Your Activities

Easily detail each activity:

  • Available charts for Heart Rate, Power, Cadende and Altitude.
  • Customize your records by adding titles, RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), or notes about your feelings during the activity.


For now it’s a first version, but my idea is to add more functionality little by little.

Looking forward to your feedback :smiley:


This is neat! Tx a stack!



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Just installed it, very nice. Congratulations!

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This looks great!

Thank you!

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This is Great !! :raised_hands:

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Nice clean interface. :+1: for no data collected.
Adding activity data, i.e. distance (for walking), would be helpful.


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Looks awesome! Eagerly waiting for the Android version!


Really like this. If you could add the comments functionality against activities that would be awesome.

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great app, just downloaded it.


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I was interested how it looks like and with my recent activities day layout breaks a bit.

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Thank you! I will add it :+1:t3:

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Thank you! I will fix it :+1:

Hi Iñaki,

Thanks for the app! But for me there is some inconsistency in the form value.

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There’s no inconsistency. You have Intervals settings configured to show Form as a percentage (of Fitness) and the app shows Form as an absolute value.
30 - 44 = -14
and -14/30 = -0.4667 or -47% rounded.

You can change it on the Intervals Settings page. Don’t know if the app has both.

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Thanks, didn’t even occur to me… I’m not finding a way to change on the app.

Appreciate the help

@Margarida_Pinheiro at the moment as @MedTechCD has mentioned the App just support to show the Form as an absolute value. I will check to support this option too :+1:


@kwiat @Howie both suggestions added in v1.2.0

New Features:

  • Added Activity Pace and Activity Distance


  • UI Fixes for Long Activity Names
  • UI Fixes for Dynamic Chart Legends

Thanks @Inakiarroyo . Is the addition of pace and distance already completed activities? I just upgraded the app but I’m not seeing those metrics in any activity, i.e. walking, swimming.

Thank you so much for this work. If you allow me a feature request, I would love to have a widget with my fitness!