Stryd Power App on Apple Watch

Hi there. I’ve been trying out an Apple Watch as a running watch after a long history of Garmins! I’m using the Stryd app on the watch and then HealthFit to sync to Intervals (AW Stryd app->Apple health->Healthfit->intervals). First time doing this today and I can see the power data is off both from how the run felt but also from looking at the data in Stryd power center. I don’t see any alternative power fields so wondering if maybe the watch is overwriting Stryd?

And a follow up question for anyone else using an Apple watch and Stryd, do you use the Stryd app on the watch? Also playing around with Rungap which would sync from Stryd to Intervals (my goal is to cut Strava out of being a dependency for intervals).

If you’re using HealthFit to export, you’re exporting Apple power and not Stryd.

To have Stryd power, you have to use the Stryd platform to push the FIT to the platform of choice.

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