Strava Sync Issue

Ride is not showing up. Has been working fine for a lot of rides but todays ride won’t show up. Any help appreciated.


There appears to be a general problem with Strava.


Is it for all users? For supporters, is there any chance of being less affected from this issue? My girl friend has just uploaded some run activity to strava an hour ago and It synched ok here on intervals. While my activity from morning (I’m not a supporter yet) still isn’t synched.

Same thing here. 22 July ride has not uploaded to It has uploaded to Veloviewer normally.


Same here… No July 22 strava on :frowning:


Is there any button on system we can click to make a new request to strava API?

1 Like says all systems operational, but there was an Issue earlier. But my 22 July activity is still missing the upload to

Captura de pantalla 2023-07-22 a la(s) 23.12.25


There were a few hundred failed Strava activity fetch calls approx 12h ago but it seems fine now. You can use the “Download old data” button in the Strava box in /settings to recover missed activities.


Yeah, now it’s fine. Thanks!

sorry but still a problem for me, a ride I just did not uplaoded, can do it manually. I suspect Strava being awkward again … we use their platform for free and I wonder just how long they will allow it.

See the fun when they blocked off apple health, came back but seems buggy to me.

I have the same issue. Is there still a bug anywhere?


Like 8hrs ago… when I created a manual activity in Strava. It appeared in Intervals soon after.

I just retested this again. And it’s not appearing in intervals.

Yesterday Strava didn’t connect at all.
Today, I see all my activities at the Activities Tab, but not in the Fitness Tab. It will only works after disconnect from Strava and reconnect again.

Don’t disconnect from Strava and re-connect. is supposed to delete all of your Strava stuff when you do that. There is a delay but still better to be safe. If you see stuff on the calendar and not on the /fitness page then it is likely something that will go away by just reloading the page.

The app can lose its connection to the server and not know it which can cause delays in activities showing up. Generally this can be fixed by just reloading the app.

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Yeah seems like Strava’s still being a bit flakey on the sync

Same for me.
I usually commute on a bike to work. Friday morning ride synced fine, then afternoon didn’t and any other rides afterwards.
Each time I have to go Intervals settings and click “Download Old Data”.
To be honest I don’t wait longer than an hour or so after a ride. Perhaps it will sync automatically, but with a delay.

It stopped working again for me too.

Same for me, today’s activity from 1h ago didn’t sync yet.

Workouts from the past three days not syncing for me.


Looks like refreshing the application will sync the data from Strava. I am heavily relying to Intervals.ICU APIs services and was used to that it does the sync in regular intervals at the background automatically. Now I have to open all the time the application manually. Any plans to get back to a automated sync?

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